39 week midwife check


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Well I have had my 39 week check. All these pains I've been having aren't the baby moving down. Still only 3/5 engaged but the midwife says I will likely go into labour 3/5 and not to worry about it. She also said that I appear to be having a 'fair sized baby' that wasn't going to be a 6 pounder. Eek!! On the plus side she has told me she will give me a sweep next thursday if the consultant doesn't do one next wednesday and I haven't gone into labour by myself then. When I asked about the pains, she said they are most likely my cervix thinning. Hopefully!!

Ooo fair sized baby Tehe! :) ur so close, I know I'm almost 35 weeks but 39 weeks seems ages away for me!! let's hope baby makes an appearance soon!!
I hope I don't need the sweep too! She told me to go for a long walk and have lots of sex. Well we've been doing the sex part so I guess I just have to go for a few long walks. Why can't just sitting on the sofa watching come dine with me and munching cookies work?! Lol

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oh that is good. sounds about the same as my appointment, I'm getting a sweep at my next appointment too. Mmy baby is 4/5 engaged which i thought was bad but I've been told its acutally good, made my day now. :lol:
I tried the sex it didn't work for me lol, don't think i could be bothered doing it again. Sex drive is out the window once again... wish it would make up its mind lol. xxx
Lol my sex drive is ok. Not in overdrive but still there. Its just the logistics of it - hard to work around the bump. And none of the positions we can do seem to do it for me lol. But as the MW said it is the prostaglandins that are needed.

Lol my sex drive is ok. Not in overdrive but still there. Its just the logistics of it - hard to work around the bump. And none of the positions we can do seem to do it for me lol. But as the MW said it is the prostaglandins that are needed.


So the sharp pains u have been havin she said might be cervix thinning? Aw hope so x
That's what she said. I hope it is too. The pains have been breath taking across my back and around my pubic area. I was really surprised that baby hadn't engaged more coz of the feelings of pressure on my bits I have been getting. I feel as though I am swollen down below sorry if tmi - but I don't know. I just expect I am going to go overdue and end up being induced. The MW talking sweeps today made me feel that even more!

That's what she said. I hope it is too. The pains have been breath taking across my back and around my pubic area. I was really surprised that baby hadn't engaged more coz of the feelings of pressure on my bits I have been getting. I feel as though I am swollen down below sorry if tmi - but I don't know. I just expect I am going to go overdue and end up being induced. The MW talking sweeps today made me feel that even more!


Obv the mw know what they r talkin about but some times they do get things a bit out, so if ur feeling a lot more pressure down there chances r baby has moved more Down, aw can't wait till I'm 39 week plus, feel like times standing still for me at mo, not long tho x x
I think this last week until my due date will go so slow. Especially knowing I could potentially have another 2 weeks after. Although MW said that they would prob induce me at 10 days over. It won't be long until you are 39 weeks! :)

glad it all went well. it wont be a problem baby only being 3/5 cos alot of them dont even go that far before labour starts.

oooh ive been having similar pains to you so hopefully it is thinning of cervix.

hurry up baby bunny. xxx
Glad all went well for you flopsy, your little one will be here before you know it! x
Hey, at 36 weeks nearing 37, 39 weeks isn't so far away... hope things come on naturally chicken xxxx

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