37 weeks - baby transverse - any advice?

Thanks MrsB2105, your post made me lol as I totally agree - she couldn't tell by looking she was just being over confident in front of her team I think. My bump has stayed same. Even midwife said afterwards, does she have X-ray eyes? Would save NHS a lot on scans if she did. Anyway, I'm probably being bit mean, but she was quite an arrogant dr. She has booked me in for next Friday c section. Told midwife I'm not happy to have c section unless I'm sure baby is staying transverse. Lost confidence in palpations. She was brill and told dr I wasn't happy about consultation this morning and I'm getting scan this afternoon. I just need to get baby head down now. Where is that ball. Lol

I can understand with twins that it is even more complicated and think that there is less room for them to move so section seems safest. But I think because they've said she was head down I feel I need scan to see if that might be true.

Hospital is not too bad. Own room and staff lovely. But like mini break until the Drs turn up with their doom and gloom
I agree you should have a scan just to be sure ... It would at least put your mind at ease, if mine were head down they would let me go naturally, only one of them keeps changing position, I think twin 1 is well and truly stuck with his feet down but twin 2 went from transverse to footling breech and back to transverse. And I have never had a change in bump from it lol. I just cannot wait until they are out of me now though each day gets harder but it is a day closer.

If baby is transverse will you be more accepting of a section?

Also just ignore the arrogant Drs they think they have a point to prove x
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Lol. Totally agree with some Drs having point to prove. I much prefer when they show they don't know it all.

So had the scan........ Baby head down!!! But they have said that she has to be head down everyday before they consider changing plan for c section next Friday. I would be ok with section if I wasn't getting so much conflicting advice. Also just feel my baby is not ready yet.

So much for dr with X-Ray vision. 😂
So they will be checking you constantly :)
At least you know it's head down
My due date is 13th sept but my section is on Tuesday x
I bet you're glad that babies nearly here. So amazing to have two at once!!!!! Wishing you all the best for Tuesday and thanks for all your support on here.

I'll keep post updated as plan seems to change daily. X
Aww Thankyou :), I can't wait to have them :)

And yes I want to know what they do with you x
Duckie: When I went for my consultant appointment, they examined me first...
I said, I'm pretty sure I am transverse, still. My bump is a weird shape and baby does all sorts of contortionist type stuff! I was convinced it was still the 'wrong' way. However, there were three professionals in there with me. Two experienced midwives and a great consultant.
First midwife looked at baby and said, yep that's definitely transverse. You can see by the shape, but felt me it and said, oh actually... Hmm. I think it's head down. Asked other midwife to check. She said, it must be transverse because of shape but then thought it was head down. They then asked the consultant to check, who thought it was but wasn't absolutely sure!
He said, right scan! So we went for a quick scan and sure enough baby's head was down...
I'm so glad you're feeling in control and that they listened to you. That's great. However, from above story, I would say, totally try to fight for a scan! They can't tell by looking!
My bump looked a little like this at the time, but more rectangular! (See photo).
Good luck... I am sure you will get there.
I have heard of babies who have turned in labour! I know yours is a slightly different situation as if you go into labour it's an emergency, but it might give you time as long as consultant is happy.
Think the ball bouncing helped me a little, plus trying to get more walking in, which I am struggling with now!
Let us know how it goes. Xxx


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Thank you SiameseCatLady, sorry didn't reply earlier but only some notifications come through. Your experience sounds similar to mine. Opinions vary a lot. Good news is that baby seems to be staying head down and my bump is similar shape to yours now with more of a lump towards the left. The dr has said I can go home today based on scan and if she is still head down. I hope so.

Oh my, then I really need to start thinking about labour. Lol

Good luck with yours too.

Mrs b2105, hope everything went well yesterday

Everything went well Thankyou, now at home sorting out feeds at 4 am :) ... Better than 5 bathroom trips though lol x
That's great news. Glad it went well. I can't believe I'm home and still pregnant. Lol.

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