Thanks MrsB2105, your post made me lol as I totally agree - she couldn't tell by looking she was just being over confident in front of her team I think. My bump has stayed same. Even midwife said afterwards, does she have X-ray eyes? Would save NHS a lot on scans if she did. Anyway, I'm probably being bit mean, but she was quite an arrogant dr. She has booked me in for next Friday c section. Told midwife I'm not happy to have c section unless I'm sure baby is staying transverse. Lost confidence in palpations. She was brill and told dr I wasn't happy about consultation this morning and I'm getting scan this afternoon. I just need to get baby head down now. Where is that ball. Lol
I can understand with twins that it is even more complicated and think that there is less room for them to move so section seems safest. But I think because they've said she was head down I feel I need scan to see if that might be true.
Hospital is not too bad. Own room and staff lovely. But like mini break until the Drs turn up with their doom and gloom
I can understand with twins that it is even more complicated and think that there is less room for them to move so section seems safest. But I think because they've said she was head down I feel I need scan to see if that might be true.
Hospital is not too bad. Own room and staff lovely. But like mini break until the Drs turn up with their doom and gloom