3 hour naps?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Just kinda posted about this in my othr thread but is it ok to wake baby out of naps??? He ALWAYS naps from 3-6pm sometimes i have woken him at about 5pm but should this be earlier and if so how do i move it??
Heya hun just saw your other thread and im a bit confused, thought you wanted him to nap during the day more ??
I think if you changed that part of his routine it might effect other parts of his routine, but i dont have alot of experience as Flo just sleeps whenever she likes, night day, not for hours and hours etc etc lol
Hello my love,

I would probably try to do something about that huge afternoon nap if you are finding he isn't sleeping something like 7pm to 7am. How does your whole day go (averagely) let's see what can be tweaked. I reckon that size nap is just a bit too long and a bit too late in the day. You'd have more luck with night time sleeping if he had a big nap closer to lunchtime and not much sleep in the afternoon.

Do you mind posting how your day breaks down?

Much love,
Becs x x
i'm confuuuused now too :doh: i thought he was hardly sleeping at all during the day?? or did i get that wrong - sorry!

if you want hayden to go to bed at 7pm, then a 3 hour nap until 6pm is probably a bit too much...

TBH honey, i think you might be happier if you stopped worrying about routines? i never instigated one with connor and at about 4/4.5 months, he found his own. i found it much easier to enjoy my baby when i didn't try and structure things - especially when connor didn't agree with the structure that i was imposing! before he found his own routine, i slept when he slept (or tried to) and didn't fret if he was still up and awake with us late in the evening. i just tried to make the night/day difference as obvious as possible (bright lights & noise during daytime naps and dark quiet time with no stimulation at night) and he caught on soon enough :) at 4/4.5 months he decided that he wanted to go to bed at 9.30pm, and he gradually brought that forward to 8.30pm of his own accord - after all the christmas chaos, he restarted his 8.30pm bedtime last night (having stayed up til after midnight for 2 weeks :shock: :lol: )

if you're happy for hayden to sleep from 3-6 then let him - and just put him to bed later at night when he's tired? he's so young at the moment that it really doesn't matter, and it'll all change as he gets older.
I think its ok to let him sleep for 3 hours. The slight problem is that it is close to the evening, so if you want to start a bedtime routine at 7 it will be too early.

What we did at the beginning, we tried to keep Daniel awake from about 5.30 till 8 and then start the bedtime routine. He was all grizzly, but at least he went to sleep without much drama and slept till about 12. (he still was a terrible sleeper during the night, woke up numerous times in the night for feeding, but then it was just him)

Maybe it will worth a try?

we dont allow theo to sleep for more then 3hrs in the day (else he gets too much sleep and then he wont sleep at night)... and then he dosent sleep at night he sleeps more in the day time... blah blah blah (you see where this is going).
i am a big fan of routine and once we had one i felt half human again! persoanlly i dont think that there is anyhting wrong with waking a baby up from their nap (as long as it is done nicely, lol). thats the only way we got theo in to a routine. have you read the gina ford book? (some love it some hate it).. we love it and i know a few other gals on here do. you have to take alot of what she says with a pinch of salt, but when theo was Hays age is was doing
7am - Wake up
9-10am - nap time
12-2pm - Nap time
4- 4:45 - Nap time
7pm - Bedtime

hope whatever you choose to do works out ok. remember babe he is your baby, do what you think i right.
sory i have confused everyone lol!
I did re reply in the other thread to say I realised that Hayden had fallen out of having a nap in the daytime because we were home...

Purple13 I found he is a very grisley baby if he doen't have some type of structure of his day, I also kind of like the fact of putting him down for a purpose nap and bedtime as it kind of gives myself and OH some time for ourselves. our nightime is a really nice time to bond with him especially bathtime and massage time. I also don't do things based on "time" as I agree babies don't work on time and its very hard for even an adult to be that structured although i d believe consistancy is key what has been fab is that I have starting bathing him every night and doing certain things in the same order and the good news is yah he goes to bed straight away...

With regards to naptime in the arvo he normally falls off on his own in the carseat, I let him sleep today but woke up a little earlier so will see what tonight is like...

Sorry everyone for confusing you. I should of put he was having naps but stopped.... :doh: Divvy!!


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