How do i make him nap longer?

My little man (now 5 months) generally only naps for 45mins at a time, sometimes an hour and 30mins and v rarely longer than that. We tried extending his naps by not rushing to him the minute he woke, trying to rub his tummy and soothe him when he was coming out of the first sleep cycle, trying to shush him back to sleep etc but nothing worked. Spoke with HV who agreed he is just a cat napper. He is more than happy after the 45mins! Its a shame that he needs to sleep little and often in the day and doesn't consolidate to longer but fewer naps, but I have been reassured by our nursery nurse that as he becomes older and more active he will sleep for longer and have less naps a day. I think if LO is happy after their short nap then thats all they wanted and u just have to go with it!......It's easier now LO goes down better but was crap when he'd take longer to get off to sleep than he would nap for! I resorted to the car and the pram a lot during that time!!LOL! xxx

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