3 early losses in under 12 months...


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2018
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Hi all,

I am currently going through my third very early loss in under 12 months. I am absolutely beside myself wondering why this is happening to me?!

1st early loss was a big surprise to us back in October 2019 this is what made us realise that we would like another baby sooner rather than later.

2nd loss was chemical for sure lines never got darker on tests and started bleeding a few days later.

3rd is this one good line progression judging by dates of missed period I could have been up to 7 weeks pregnant (I believe I was more like 4/5 weeks so another CP?)

I don’t really know why I typed those out I just feel like I needed to :cry:

I am going to push for investigations from my GP ,as I had LLETZ back in January. I am absolutely convinced that this has something to do with the last two losses (even though google says it doesn’t).

I am hoping some of you ladies might have some positive stories for me or even some tips on the best pre natal vitamins I can take in the hope of an extra sticky bean! I am 31, could do with losing a stone or two (Same weight now as when I conceived Amelia my 18 month old) so am getting to work on that as we speak. I don’t smoke, I enjoy wine but in moderation. I regularly check my hba1c for diabetes as I had gestational diabetes during my last pregnancy. I am not sure what else I can do.

Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble, I am just trying to find a way to cope. Xxx
Really sorry this is happening to you again. I’ve also had a lletz procedure done and the only associated risk is premature birth. A miscarriage at such an early time is not going to be cervix relates, it’ll be down to development, or even the lining of your uterus.
I took extra strength ubiquinol for a couple of months leading up to conception; it is really supposed to help with egg quality and my husband was taking the wellman conception. You could get the book “it starts with the egg”, it’s really good for preconception guidance, either for naturally ttc or for people who are undergoing fertility treatment. Hope this helps :hug: xx
I'm really sorry to hear this :( Sending love. I've read loads of success stories on here of women who have had a baby after multiple early losses, so don't give up. You might just have a super receptive uterus or something. I have heard that CoQ10 is good for egg health, and even if it doesn't help its great for the skin! I think you should push to have your progesterone levels tested as that's another common reason for early losses. Good luck with it all, always here if you need someone to vent to xx
I'm sorry for your losses, each of which is heartbreaking.

I doubt the LLETZ procedure is causing this too - that is likely to impact pregnancy later when they uterus and baby is bigger.

A GP visit to get a referral to a recurrent miscarriage clinic would be good. They will be able to do some bloods to see if there is a cause for this happening. There can be so many causes, which some can be easily rectified with medication.

Big hugs and hope you get some progress soon x
Thank you all.

I know the lletz is unlikely to have anything to do with it at all, Just wondered if there could still be some kind of link as it was quite recent.

Going to look into the ubiquinol, think I was taking extra strength folic acid and a vit d supplement while trying to conceive last time think the GP said I should take them as they are needed in first twelve weeks anyway so maybe can’t hurt to do that again.

Feel really rubbish that I allowed myself to get excited and think I was safe :roll: xx
I am sorry to know your story. There are too many reasons why women might experience pregnancy loss, such as sperm and eggs quality, genetics issues related to the age (35+), and even stress. I would advise to see yr doc to discuss your situation. All the best
I am so sorry to hear you going through this. I really wish fertility struggles and miscarriages didn’t even exist. :(

I have had 2 early losses in 3 months, my first being in October 2019 as well when I was 27. We are currently not TTC at all so I can’t really give a story of hope but I have found out in my case through testing and read a lot online that early miscarriages are often caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Traditional medicine often tries to tell us there is nothing we can do to prevent this (the clinic that tested my miscarriage said this too), but naturopaths and fertility specialists I’ve talked to have often said otherwise.

As others said CoQ10 in form of ubiquinol is great. For egg health I also take prenatal with methylfolate, methyltetrafolate (spelling :S), magnesium, high quality high dose EPA/DHA fish oil, vitamin d, vitamin c and probiotic. I am mixed on whether I really believe in probiotics but fertility world
has often been recommending them.

I really hope and bet your next pregnancy will be fine but I know feeling like I have some control over the situation and health of my eggs really has made me feel better.
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