2nd Pregnancy - Already worrying!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2014
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I didn't really worry with my first pregnancy, I just did approx. 1 million pregnancy tests right up to our dating scan :lol:! This time, I definitely don't have the money to go spending willy nilly on tests so am sort of forced to wait and actually be patient!

I also suffered with PPD and anxiety with my first and have only just finished with my CBT for that - I am worrying about that coming back.

AND THEN!!! :lol: I am also worrying about having another c-section. I don't want one. Of course I will if I have to as I did with DS (the cord was around hi neck and he was losing oxygen - it was a c-section or lose him basically. No contest.) but the thought of another terrifies me!

Sorry to rant guys, and I know it's early for me to be worrying about these things (only 3-4 weeks along :lol:) but they are playing on my mind and I just needed to get them off my chest!

Aw you poor thing. I majorly worried and panicked at the start of pregnancy but for different reasons. I think the first time round we're quite naive and it's a blessing in disguise. Next time you know what's coming :lol: if you're wanting to do the tests for reassurance I highly recommend home bargain tests. 3 for like 89p and showed my progression really well!

Speak to your GP soon about previously having anxiety and PPD. They can refer you to perinatal mental health which I think would be really beneficial for you. You'll feel better knowing you have the team there for you and keeping a close eye on you!

I've never had a section so not sure I'll be any help here. But if you do need a section next time it'll be planned and in a much more calm and relaxing situation. Emergency sections are so scary and unplanned for! Everyone I know who's had a planned after an emergency says it's like night and day, so try and reassure yourself of that. You can always speak to the consultant about attempting a vbac too, my sister had a section then a straight forward vbac so it can happen. Try to be open minded and it might make the process easier :)

Don't apologise, a rant does us all good ;) and best to get your worries out now rather than let them fester! Congratulations again on your baby news, I hope you have a H&H next 8 months :) xxx
Aw you poor thing. I majorly worried and panicked at the start of pregnancy but for different reasons. I think the first time round we're quite naive and it's a blessing in disguise. Next time you know what's coming :lol: if you're wanting to do the tests for reassurance I highly recommend home bargain tests. 3 for like 89p and showed my progression really well!

Speak to your GP soon about previously having anxiety and PPD. They can refer you to perinatal mental health which I think would be really beneficial for you. You'll feel better knowing you have the team there for you and keeping a close eye on you!

I've never had a section so not sure I'll be any help here. But if you do need a section next time it'll be planned and in a much more calm and relaxing situation. Emergency sections are so scary and unplanned for! Everyone I know who's had a planned after an emergency says it's like night and day, so try and reassure yourself of that. You can always speak to the consultant about attempting a vbac too, my sister had a section then a straight forward vbac so it can happen. Try to be open minded and it might make the process easier :)

Don't apologise, a rant does us all good ;) and best to get your worries out now rather than let them fester! Congratulations again on your baby news, I hope you have a H&H next 8 months :) xxx

Thank you, that's really helped. It's nice to have a little bit of reassurance from time to time. I know we all have very different experiences but they're all also very similar!

I will definitely be trying for a VBAC but it's the thought of another emergency c-section that scares me! I suppose, it's no good really worrying about that at the moment as anything could happen!

Thanks hun, same goes :D ! xxx
1St off, congrats on the bfp! Really happy for you

As you may remember I had Pnd after Lexi and I was (and still am to a degree) anxious about it coming back, I've spoken to my midwife and my consultant about it, and they have both said that if I need it they can refer me to a pregnancy mental health team, and also that it is ok to have meds during pregnancy if I get to that point. Which reassured me no end. So far I have been ok this pregnancy, knowing the theee is a plan in place already helps.

I'm hoping for a VBAC this time, will be talking in more depth to the consultant at my 34 week appointment.

Congrats again hun

Thanks Emma! Congratulations to you too! :) can't believe we're back here again!

Thanks Hun, I'll be sure to mention it at a later date as I'm not far gone so haven't had my booking in appointment yet. I need to get through tri1 first!

Congratulation honey, I'm really pleased for you! How is Lexi taking the news of becoming a big sister? Are you finding out what you're having?

I would mention all of this when you book in, lovely. See what the midwife can say, maybe she can put your mind at rest.

Hopefully you'll get away without a section this time given the reason you had it xx

Thanks Hun I will do. I had thought it might be too early to mention but as I left it til DS was 18months before recognising there was a problem it might be best that they are aware.

I'm hoping so. I'd love a VBAC :) xx
I didn't really worry with my first pregnancy, I just did approx. 1 million pregnancy tests right up to our dating scan :lol:! This time, I definitely don't have the money to go spending willy nilly on tests so am sort of forced to wait and actually be patient!

I also suffered with PPD and anxiety with my first and have only just finished with my CBT for that - I am worrying about that coming back.

AND THEN!!! :lol: I am also worrying about having another c-section. I don't want one. Of course I will if I have to as I did with DS (the cord was around hi neck and he was losing oxygen - it was a c-section or lose him basically. No contest.) but the thought of another terrifies me!

Sorry to rant guys, and I know it's early for me to be worrying about these things (only 3-4 weeks along :lol:) but they are playing on my mind and I just needed to get them off my chest!


I totally know what you mean I've just found out that we are expecting baby number 2 and I'm already worrying! Wishing away time to the scan so that I can relax a little 🙈 I can't blame you for not wanting to go through another c-section, the idea of them scare me and I've already been told by midwife that chances of me having one this time are high she said she can already 99% guarantee it 👎🏼 But I've been reassured by friends I have from this group (since having my first son) that a planned c-section is a million miles better than an emergency one!
See I'm not sure. It's the thought of the epidural while 'with it'. When I had mine I was so high on gas and air I don't even remember them doing it! But obviously you don't get that with an elective c section! Don't get me wrong I don't want anything to go so wrong that I need an emergency one, especially as mine was a cat1 emergency c section :(

See I'm not sure. It's the thought of the epidural while 'with it'. When I had mine I was so high on gas and air I don't even remember them doing it! But obviously you don't get that with an elective c section! Don't get me wrong I don't want anything to go so wrong that I need an emergency one, especially as mine was a cat1 emergency c section :(

Honestly they are fine, they put some numbing stuff in first before they insert the bigger needle I had an epidural due to a very long labour with nothing other than the numbing stuff and it wasn't a problem, I also have lumbar punctures quite often and I'm sure it's along the same lines and it really doesn't hurt, and the fact for an epidural your sitting up to have it put in, it opens up the space nicely and makes it much easier 👍🏼 Honestly the epidural side of things should be pretty smooth sailing x

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