How to stop worrying and ruining the early stages of pregnancy?

I agree with the milestone idea.. take the weeks as they come chick. I am trying to think like that xx
Hey Jenny

I dont really know how to feel to be honest, I am kind of wishing I didnt know that I am pregnant and had found out weeks down the line because I am really not dealing with the 'statistic of misscarriage' rate very well and am convinced I am going to loose the baby and it is just a question of when :cry:
I think my husband has had enough of me constantly asking him things like 'How can I start to enjoy this when it may not even happen?' I think I have ruined my 1st trimester now! :(
I can not get the things that have been said '15 out of every 100 babies terminate' 'the risk is higher when it is the first pregnancy'
I just feel that I ever ignore the fact that it could even happen and be completly destroyed if it does or I dwell on it so it is expected.
awwwwh rach look at how many babies are born tho, that fact is numbers n ur not a number ur a person... oh and stop googling it ;) well thats wat i would be doing im sure but its best not too. The hard fact is that baby is there now and worrying wont change anything just make mummy feel bad xx
You are right Applecider I just want to be happy like I was when I found out by seeing the result of the Clear Blue Digi, I was so happy I cried tears of joy and now all I seem to be doing is crying tears of fear and worry. I can not stop and it is destroying me! :cry:
hun have you considered some congnative behaviour therapy ? its great for anxiety , and living in the moment .I have a borderline personality disorder and suffer with anxiety very badly . There are cd's and podcasts available to meditate when you get very stressed ! its an accepted form of therapy as my G.P set it up for me along with my councilling when I came off my meds :hugs: I really do know exactly how you feel .
Hi Tinytoes thankyou for the suggestion, I tried CBT for my OCD but did not find it of much help to be honest but I guess I could try and do some thought journels and see if it makes any difference.
oh im sorry hun , maybe its worth trying the journals though ? May i as if you are seeing counsellor ? maybe they could see you weekly and talk you through all your feelings , its hard not to be negative i know . but a positive mental outlook is sucjh a help .
I have emailed a life coach I saw once in the past and will maybe go and see her, I do feel I am going to need some extra help the next 10 weeks.
Good idea ! and you have people here to talk to as well :)
Not at all Im always doing peoples brains in!!!! This is what we are here for and worry about x
So sorry you are feeling this way. I know nothing is going to stop you worrying, but remember, that 15 in every 100 includes mc's that happen so early that the women didn't even know they were pregnant. You're past that stage at least. I hope you can start enjoying your pregnancy soon xx
But if i wasnt keeping track of everything would i know i was pregnant yet?
Hi Rach.

Hope you're ok. Sorry to hear you're having a hard time of it. Try to stay positive (I know that's easier said than done). Concentrate on the good things, your relationships, your bean and Christmas :-) All will be ok hun, you just need to focus on the good and take each day as it comes. Maybe take a wee break away for the weekend. Just you and your OH and have some chill time.

That would be lovely but we can not afford to go anywhere at the moment.

I just find that whenever I focus on the positive of having this little bean inside me that all the negatives swoop in and make me realise that it is highly possible that it is all going to be taken away! :cry:
Ah mrs, I really don't know what to say. I know I'll prob worry too when and if I ever get my bfp but you have to start thinking positive :) You've got your bfp - how fab is that? ;) See you've booked a scan. Hopefully that'll make you feel

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