2 healthy heartbeats!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I'm so happy! Had my 16 wk M/W appt yesterday (during the football - extra brownie points for OH for coming with me!!) - heard my babys heartbeat and heard him/her moving around alot - BPM was 135 so bang in the middle of healthy! :love:

The M/W also said what a nice neat bump I have and she could feel my uterus and it's all where it should be! I'm so happy now to know that I'm not just fat I actually have a bump yay!!! :yay:

The only thing is she confirmed that I'm Rhesus negative so will need to be careful and have injections from around 28 wks but they're used to dealing with that so I'm not worried.

Happy!!!!!!! :cheer:
Well as everyone is very quiet I'll reply to my own post, suffice to say I'm still quite happy but v tired so off to soak myself in the bath. :whistle:
Somehow completely managed to miss this thread!!! Soooorrrrryyyyy x x I thought you were expecting twins with the title! Lol x I'm rhesus negative too and it's no big deal but I find the injections hurt x really happy for you chick x enjoy your bath x
i thought u were having twins 2 after reading the title lol

well im glad everything went well xxx
Aw glad all went well babe! I'm rhesus neg too but as it happens so is my hubs so no injection needed..yay! Lol

enjoy your bath xxx
Yay so glad it went well its fab hearing the heartbeat and knowing all is well in there when is ur next scan?
Thanks all, I put a similar status message on facebook and everyone thought I was having twins haha!

I did enjoy my bath thanks v much!

Kellylou my next scan is 21st July, can't wait!
Glad all went well, lovely to hear the heartbeat isnt it xx
So glad its all going so well, Im Rhesus Neg too, its all straightforward - jujst have to have Anti-D injections at 28 and 34 weeks; they are a little bit more uncomfortable as its a large ish volume of fluid going in so it feels like a little punch! :)
Thanks guys, I'm not too bad with injections so I should be ok then xx

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