8 days late...3 negative tests


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I am currently 8 days late for my period. I am taking clomids and apparently that is supposed to make you ovulate every month. I had taken 3 tests 2 days apart and they still say negative. I am having symptoms - white discharge, nausea when I wake up, extremely tired, loss of appetite and the occasional headache. is it possible am I still pregnant? has anyone else been in the same situation and ended up being pregnant afterall? :wall2:


Hi hunny. I'm 8 days late to and had 5 negatives but positive ovulation tests??? Very odd??? X
good luck babybo, I will kee[ my fingers crossed for you. x x

This is so frustrating as all of my symptoms can be a side effect of clomid!!:roll:
I'm still waiting for her ugly face to show up!! X
me too, but being 10 days late now I don't think she's going to show!! Gonna keep going with the pregnancy tests though, just wish they didn't cost an arm an a leg!!

Hi guys, just wanted to give an update - 11 days late for af - still :bfn:

:shakehead::shakehead::shakehead::shakehead::shakehead::shakehead: pfft
Good luck girls, I've just been 3 weeks late and come to realise if you are late and bfn, you're probably just late (wish I'd realised this earlier).
Fx for you though x
yeah, I've calmed down a bit now though, not excited anymore!! like a lot of people on here, I have been trying for a while but you never really get used to the negative pregnancy tests.

Just been to the docs - 3 weeks waiting list to get a blood test done!!! ridiculous!! so I took the form and did a runner - got one done at the hospital in 45mins!! results next week, not expecting them to say positive now though 14 days late...think I just missed a period like you said, simple as! Oh well! sigh :wall2:
I know exactly how you feel and its horrible, I was having the exact same problem getting bloods too, hope it's a bfp for you x
thanks hun, I don't think it will be though, my 'symptoms' seem to have gone :shock:

The below is for everyone - good luck!!!!

Took me about 3 weeks to get a BFP So there may still be hope for you yet fingers crossed for you
awww thank you hun, you have brightened my day up :)

Did you get :bfp: on a hpt or a blood test? x x
It was a hpt.. was really concerned that some thing was wrong as i was 3 weeks late. all doctors tests was negative.. so i gave up and waited then i just did one thinking it was negative and there it was :)
hmmm, I find it really interesting how different all our bodies are. Did you have any symptoms at all hun?
so, AF arrived this morning - gutted. :roll:

2 weeks late - not sure where my cycle is now, do I take my Clomid tablets now or wait until she visits again???? confused.com
I was three weeks late hunnie, don't know where my cycle is either. Maybe wait and see how long before next af and you can work out if this was a blip or the length your cycle will be?? Sorry, that wasn't much help xx

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