1st Trimester Paranoia / Fears


Active Member
Nov 25, 2016
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Hello Ladies

I hope you all are well?

Was hoping there might be someone here who can help me with some stupid thoughts I've been having.

I'm 26 and pregnant with my husband and I's first child (9 weeks and 4 days at the moment) And i have my scan booked in for the 3rd of January - where I think they're doing the Nuchal scan at the same time.

My problem is is that I have not really once felt pregnant and so found it incredibly hard to believe that I am / still am? I have only really experienced tiredness, gagging (without nausea), mild cramping and needing the rest room a bit more (but this varies).

I've already had a private scan done at 7 weeks to reassure myself and saw the heart beating and it was confirmed there was one baby and all where it should be - it was amazing :) But i then have made the classic mistake of reading far too much on google and now have seen all sorts of scary stories about MMC's and stuff like that.

There is no reason why this pregnancy should not be successful, I'm young, been taking my prenatal vitamins, and folic acid like clockwork, keeping an eye on caffeine etc, but have just somehow worked myself into such a state over things potentially happening that I have almost convinced myself the worst case is going to happen? Which is silly, as there's no reason to - there's been no bleeding or anything.

I've always been a worrier, but this has been silly even by my standards!

Think I've turned into a right head case haha (My poor Husband :lol:) , just wondered if anyone else had had similar moments and what they did to calm themselves down?

Thanking you in advance :)

Hope you all are good and looking forward to Christmas! : )

Steph x
I've been having the same feelings lately, I'm a worrier and over thinker too, think it's just built in us to worry until we see it properly and waiting until start feeling movements.

I try calming myself by thinking over worrying and stressing won't do baby any good and taking 5 minutes break, do nothing and just breath. X
Hi Steph!

Firstly, congratulations!

I think what your feeling is perfectly normal I have been the same.. i just kept telling myself that no amount of worry is going to change the outcome, as long as you are doing everything you can which you are i.e. taking your vitamins etc you have to just think positive.. there's nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage happening and worry about it will only make you ill! Easier said then done i know!

I've only just had my first scan at 11 weeks which I booked privately and had half expected not to see anything or that id had a mmc as I have had barely any symptoms, I've not been sick at all, I lost my appetite at about 8 weeks and it's yet to return but other then that I feel fine.. but still don't feel pregnant! lol

Try to relax and just stay positive, worrying won't change anything xxx Good luck
Thanks July Bug :) Glad to hear all is going well with you so far and that you've been not been suffering with morning sickness :)

HarleySarah - Thanks for the advice, I'm definitely going to try and taking 5 minutes to relax and breathe the next time I feel a bit overwhelmed with it all :)

Means a lot to have the responses so thank you both xx
I've not been sick once with this pregnancy (i tell a lie, I had one retching episode this week and i'm now 13 weeks). I've not been tired or felt pregnant at all so I've just been in complete denial convinced it had all gone wrong. I had my scan this week and was in floods of tears before the lady had even asked me to lie down because I was convinced there would be no baby, I just couldn't understand how my body had made a baby with no symptoms. But there was a very wriggly 13 - week baby jumping up and down on the scan :)

It's such a long 12/13 weeks, i think you just have to concentrate on getting through one day at a time and distract yourself as much as possible so you're not thinking too much. Congratulations on your pregnancy and wishing you a healthy 9 months :) xxx
ams25 - I know exactly how you feel! it's funny how you build something up in your head isn't it? But I've really struggled to accept that there can be a baby growing inside of you and you not feel anything! SO happy to hear all was good and baby is healthy and wriggling away - how lovely! :D

Thanks, yeah definitely going to try and distract myself - only 2 weeks away until the scan now so fingers crossed! Have a lovely Christmas & New Years and I hope all continues to be well with you guys xxx
Hey Steph, I was honestly like that too, I still am. My partner has banned me from googling everything because I work myself into such a panic. I had symptoms up to about 11 weeks however (sickness, etc) but they completely disappeared at around 11 weeks, I was in such a panic, but when I got my scan and seen my little wriggler I burst into tears haha.
My partners sister had no symptoms the whole way through her pregnancy, and her placenta was at the front so she didn't really feel him move much, yet she's now got a gorgeous happy healthy 6 month old!
If you get overly concerned contact your midwife or EPU, they should help you no matter what even just to reassure you. Take care of yourself hun xx
It's always a worry it's such a nerve racking time! Just breathe and take each day as it comes I still worry now! Good luck :)

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