
Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
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Hi all, I dont normally start my own thread but i am doing my own head in so could do with some encouragement please :pray:

Well I am due for my 12 week scan on thurs and the closer i get the more worried i am getting :wall: there are 2 fears i have, the first is that this has been all in my imagination or something has gone wrong and there will be nothing on the scan at all (i remember feeling like this with my son also). The other big worry is they will find twins ahhhhhh

There is no reason for me to think there is a problem have been feeling sick since almost the start :puke: (had no sickness with my son), am more bloated than last time (but they do say 2nd time this happens), and i have been getting an acheing pelvis very early (but had PSD last time late on)...

The twins thing comes from the fact that my godmother (who is a medium), 4 years ago said that i would have 3 children 2 of which looked like twins, we already have 1 boy so if this is true then it will be twins!!! I didnt reolise that both myself and my OH have twins in family at our grandparents generation...

It has been the longest 12 weeks ever and i think i am just worrying for no reason but i just want to find a healthy baby in there...does anyone elso feel like this?

Am I going mad :rotfl:

tigger xx
I am also nervous about my scan - it would be absolutely awful if there is nothing there or I have had a MMC.

I think it is completely normal to worry.

I don't believe in mediums so can't offer anything on that front sorry :D Twins would be hard work but at least you'd get two for the price of one!

All the best for the scan and let us know how it goes.
Thanks hun, that makes me feel better.

I will post when have had the scan but wont be until late thurs eve...good luck for your scan also :hug:

tigger xx
My scan is on Thursday too, and I'm having all the same irrational thoughts as you. It's all part and parcel of the hormonal rollercoaster they call pregnancy!

And twins are only hereditary if they are non-identical, and on your mother's side. Identical twins are totally random, so having twins in the family doesn't necessarily mean you're more likely to have them. :D
I think this is a normal fear hun, I have an early scan on Friday and am really worried there will be nothing there too :hug:
tigger said:
Well I am due for my 12 week scan on thurs and the closer i get the more worried i am getting :wall: there are 2 fears i have, the first is that this has been all in my imagination or something has gone wrong and there will be nothing on the scan at all (i remember feeling like this with my son also). The other big worry is they will find twins ahhhhhh

Am I going mad :rotfl:

tigger xx

Sounds fairly standard fears to me! Got to giggle at it though, I knew what your fears would be before I even opened this post. Been the same with all 3 pregnancies so far :lol:
I was completely the same with my first pregnancy. I was convinced that the pregnancy test was wrong and when I had my scan they were gonna tell me that there was no baby. I think its completely normal to feel like this hun. Enjoy your scan! :hug: xxxx
Sorry, I'm gatecrashing from Tri 2 to offer some advice! :shhh:

I felt exactly the same as you before I had my 12 week scan. I was terrified they'd tell me there was something wrong with the baby, and I was also absolutely convinced I was having twins! I felt really sick (from about 3 weeks onwards) which I never had with my first child, and also started to show quite early on.
Twins also run in my family - my mum has a brother and sister who are non-identical twins, and my OH's Dad has identical twin sisters, so the chances are quite high! I was so relieved when they said there was only one baby!

Don't worry hun, just try to stay calm & not to stress out about it (easier said than done though). Good luck and I'm sure you'll be fine :hug:
hi all, thanks so much for your kind words :D It is great to hear others feel the same as me...

Does that mean I am normal or we are all mad :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

will let you know how i get on thurs :cheer:

tigger :hug:
Hi all :wave: thanks all for the kind words it is great to know i am not on my own...

Just one question does this mean i am normal or we are all mad :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

tigger :hug:
:lol: All going mad.

No honest hun all normal, im really scared too :hug:
I really hope all this is normal because I feel exactly the same way! Just got a letter this morning saying I've got my dating scan a week on Tuesday and I'm really terrified that they will find nothing and it's all been in my imagination or something :? I don't know how my imagination could make me miss a period, crave pickles and cheese and make my boobs feel like they're on fire but I'm still worrying!!!

I also am worried about the twin thing... my mum is a twin, my grandma is a twin, my great grandma was a twin and my grandma's twin had twins!!! Arrrrggghhh!!! :lol: Don't get me wrong, it's not the two babies bit that scares me... it's the pregnancy part... I know what I'm like and I would be on pins all the time because multiple pregnancies bring so many more issues... :think:

Just realised that you probably already had your 12 week scan by now Tigger so hope it went well :)

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