** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Try Babybond, I don't know where you are in northern Ireland but I've just tried it on their site and they do serve NI and it's still 99quid!
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That's fantastic Timtam78!! Thank you so much!!! That will be my first request when I tell partner about the baby.
No probs :) You not told your partner yet? Lol I couldn't keep the news in!
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My husband doesn't know yet. lol I am almost 8 weeks along, but I found out once I had come bak to England for a month to visit family. We'd been trying for 19 months and I couldn't bring myself to tell him over the email or Skype. I want to tell him face to face! He is currently three hours into a thirteen hour flight back to England (then we fly home together next week) and I am going to tell him tomorrow. I can't wait. Squeee. It feels a bit weird to have shared with the forum before he knows but I had to tell someone and I was reading here and itching to join in.

Hopefully you can go to BabyBond, HopesDreams. :)

I am feeling increasingly awful. So difficult to keep making excuses up when my mum asks me if I am OK, are you feeling sick? or something. I feel wretched to 'lie' to her, but we won't be telling our family and friends until much, much later on because I am a secretive weirdo ;)

But I feel awful. Not eaten a single thing since yesterday lunch time and have only had a few sips of smoothie. Trying to drink water and stay hydrated by it's hard when I feel so ropey.
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Nope timtam78, still not told partner. Found out I was pregnant on Saturday & he's in England until Sunday afternoon. Like talulahgosh said, I don't want to tell him over the phone. I've been trying to think of a cute way to tell him but i'll probably just end up blurting it! :) it's been weird telling others on here first but it's also felt nice having someone to share it with. :) I really really want to tell my mum. I know she'll be elated & we've never kept secrets before from each other. BUT if something were to happen (fingers crossed I have a happy healthy baby/pregnancy) I know it would hit my mum hard. She's very emotional when it comes to HER babies. :) I just want to look after her wee feelings/heart until I feel more assured in my pregnancy. Does that make sense?
Awwww yeh I can understand why you've not told him yet. Wouldn't be right doing it over the phone would it!
And yeah makes total sense about your mum too. I'm going to tell the parents after the early scan I think xxx
I think once I get to twelve weeks & have hopefully had a scan & heard a healthy heartbeat my mum will be the first person I tell. :) that's one of the things I'm really excited for.
Talulahgosh - how exciting, bet you can't wait to tell him, not long to go!
Aww HopesDreams that's sweet, bet she'll be over the moon :)
Hello ladies, OMG im feeling so ill today :(

Sickness came on worse than ever this morning, i got rid of it and now its creeping back!

How are you all?
Bugger :( Hope I doesn't last too long. Are you having to work through it?
I've not had any sickness yet, really hope I don't get it. I'm suffering from bloody horrible acid reflux and wheeezing and coughing though, off work with it at the mo as its so bad :(
I thought id escaped it, but today its kicked in, it does more around 6 - 8 weeks apparently! Im suffering bad from reflux too :( Its horrible isnt it! Im stuck at work, I cant leave, I could in an hour or two i suppose...i feel really bad for going home though
I know what you mean about feeling bad for going home. I do too. I'm in quite a pressured job and there's no one else to do my work if I'm not there. But this week I've just not had any sleep I'm exhausted. Been trying to do a little work from home. Dreading the 6-8 week mark then. Really wish I had a job where I could just hide in the corner x
Im 9+2 and the sickness is still really bad, the tablets the drs gave me ent working, and i have been off work for 3 weeks now...... Yesterday i couldnt even keep a mouthful of drink down for longer than 10 minutes....... Hope it goes away soon cos its spoiling the pregnancy big time, all i wanna do is sleep 24/7!!! Hope you are all feeling alittle better today **big hugs** xxx
Today has been my roughest day. I've been quite ok up until now. Today I feel I could sleep standing up. Feel nauseous but no throwing up, thank god! Freezing even though the house is apparently warm!
Morning girls how are you?

The sickness hit :( OMG its been terrible, just nausea no sickness! Im on meds now as i went to docs last night and couldnt bear it anymore!

Took the meds this morning and so far so good!
How's my girlies doing today? :) No real sickness this morning, just an overwhelming thirst!
In other threads I mentioned how I was stressing out because I couldn't get registered with a gp. Everywhere was saying I could register but it would be at least 6 weeks before an appointment. I was distraught. I would be 12 weeks then. I rang my old gp (2 hours away) in tears & explained the problem. She says she'll see me on the 27th & refer me to a hospital in my new town. She was surprised that the docs were so blasé about a pregnant woman trying to get an appointment. So, that drama is over.
I'm 6 weeks today. My baby is a pea!
Hi ladies :)

Boobalou sorry the sickness has been bad for you but glad theres something they can give to help. Im dreading it, im 5+4 and not had any yet... when did yours start?

HopesDreams, i think thats awful that local docs would not hurry to register you as you are pregnant, but thank goodness for your old GP eh. Glad you got it sorted :)

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