** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

I'm feeling nauseous today again. It seems to be more in the evening though. Plus I've been unbearably cold over the last few days.
Im 9 weeks tomorrow (friday) timtam, they put me back by 8 days..... Its incredible to see it flicker, its so fast too!!!!
Hopes, i know how you feel, ive actually kept food down twice today but its a struggle im kinda battling it!!! I think it has been colder though, but then now im in bed wth fan on and duvet pulled round me as feel claustrophobic otherwise!!!!
Get well soon huni xxx
Oh noooo ive just got my first nausea feelings.... oh dear its starting :(
I just opened the fridge door and it made me sick..... Oh the joys, people keep telling me it is all worth it!!! Xx feel better soon hun xx
Ladies I'm so tired, woke up at 7.30 which is normal for me but the my 8.15 I was asleep on the sofa and only woke up about 20 minutes ago!! I could honestly go back to sleep again!!

I'm managing to eat more again now tho!!

Hood everyone else is ok! X
Noooo you cant feel sick girls! I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy! Im on pills for it and boy do they work not a 100% though but i can survive the day!

Aww Sassy we heard the heartbeat for a few seconds, it so surreal!

Nicky :( my tiredness has gotten slightly better!
I thought my tiredness had got better until this morning!! Work is going to be hard today!!

How many weeks are you now hun? I'm on my phone so can't see tickers xxx
Ooh bugger! Im 8 weeks ooh actually a day behind you!!!! Week 5 & 6 i was tired the worst!
Yeah week 5 I could have slept for England lol!!

I can't wait to get to twelve weeks!! Got my booking appointment on the 1st August x
I know, ill be sooooo happy to get to 12 weeks, i have my 12 week scan on the 14th August!
Can you take paracetemol whilst pregnant? I've got such a thumping headache :-( x
Yes apparently so. As long as its plain paracetamol, nothing fancy. That's according to the pharmacist in Boots yesterday xx
Yeah I've been taking it :)

Ugh I'm so tired sick and dizzy :( when will it end
That's how I feel today, so lightheaded and dizzy with a thumping headache! Thanks girls I'll get some bog standard ones when I go to morrisons x
Thank goodness for paracetamol is all i can say..... They ent brill but at least we can have something to take the edge away!!!! Xx
I'm so glad we can have them!! Meant to be my day off today but need to go in and cover - it's going to be a long day!! X
I am having slightly better days thanx to the sickness meds, but my oh gave me toast yesterday with proper bread and have been up all night with a gluten free tummy ache to rival all others so feeling kinda grim..... Plus also had dreams about car seats, which was random and woke me up several times!!!!!!

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