** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Yeah they have been great about it :)

p.s go to the surgery you like and wait id say
According to my LMP date (I realise it can change) I am 4 weeks & 6 days so I would still only be in around 8 weeks when the gps would get back from holiday. That's not too late for referring me to a midwife etc.? I didn't expect to get pregnant so quickly so I hadn't researched all these questions.
I dont really know how they do it in the UK love! Haha i didnt expect to fall pregnant that quick too! Now im shitting my pants
Makes 2 of us! I'm super excited but super anxious for it to all go ok too.
Congratulations to the new people joining us here :)

I am so tired. I sleep on my tummy normally, but my breasts are so sore there is no way I can lay on my front at the moment. I am trying to sleep on my side or back but I never seem to sleep so deeply and keep waking up all night.

My husband is arriving from Asia on Friday, we're staying with his parents for a week before we go home and then I can finally start looking at hospitals and doctors.
Hi talulah are you from Asia originally or you just live there?

Im British living in Mallorca, so im same having to choose Dr's and it works so differently here!
How long have you lived in Mallorca?

We're English, we moved to Singapore last summer because of my husband's job. We love it over there and I am not sure we'll ever move back to Europe to live. The healthcare is very good, but everything works differently to in England. I hadn't needed to see a doctor since we moved over there so I am not even registered at any of the clinics so truly am starting from scratch.
Ive been here for 7 months, Cyprus for 7 years before that, so not been in UK for ages!

Wow Singapore sounds amazing! I could never live anywhere that hasnt got good weather hehe!

Healthcare is different here too, Im under private scheme, but can choose where i want to go, I found a hospital I like but cant get the Dr of choice yet hes too booked up! But i get a lot more scans than if i was in UK which is good!
Welcome and grats all new ladies.

Yes docs and mw's all work on a 28 day cycle but I'm very irregular too so my dates are taken from my emergancy scan. All could change at tomorrows dating scan tho :D
Ive been here for 7 months, Cyprus for 7 years before that, so not been in UK for ages!

Wow Singapore sounds amazing! I could never live anywhere that hasnt got good weather hehe!

Healthcare is different here too, Im under private scheme, but can choose where i want to go, I found a hospital I like but cant get the Dr of choice yet hes too booked up! But i get a lot more scans than if i was in UK which is good!

Singapore is a lot of fun. I have been back in England visiting for the last month and the weather is so depressing, I cannot wait to get home to some blue sky and sunshine. We're like you now, we could never live somewhere without good weather.

We have private insurance but sometimes the government hospitals in Sg are just as good/better than the private ones. I have been researching them all and made a list so am going to schedule a visit to them the week we get back and pick one ASAP. I don't know anyone there who has had a baby to get some first hand advice, so hopefully I pick well!
Yeah i think we are the lucky ones to get a choice of hospitals and more scans etc! My only problem is the hospital is 45 minutes away i dunno if thats to far if im labour??
I don't know, but all the hospitals I am looking at will be a similar distance from home. We don't have a car over there either because public transport is so brilliant you just don't need one, apart from perhaps when you are in labour and need to get to the hospital in a hurry. lol
Im really hoping to stay awake ALL DAY today! I was so tired yesterday i cried and luckily i work with husband and he said go home sleep and come back so I did! H

he said last night think about going part time for a couple of months, so might think about it, I dont wonna be judged as being crap though! I have anemia and thyroid disease though and its kicking my butt!
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I know, I haven't really thought about the logistics of getting to/from hospital. I would like a home birth but I am not sure my insurance would cover it and home births are frowned upon over there, so we'll see.

It's not crap to take time off if you need it. Yesterday I sat down on the sofa and woke up nearly two hours later and was tired for the rest of the day. I always used to hate sleeping in the day time but now I can't make it past about 2pm if I don't have a nap.
I found having a nap after dinner for a hour or 2 lessons the chance of brining it back up.

So I normally wake up around 2:30pm.

On days I don't nap I fell like hell :/
The tiredness is really wiping me out. I am staying with my parents and they don't know I am pregnant so it's hard to keep explaining why I am falling asleep all the time. That and I am now constantly queasy, not actually been sick but I feel really yucky. I have a 13 hour flight to sit through next week so hopefully it doesn't get any worse.

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