1st Month of TTC over...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
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Evening all,

So today was the last day of month 1 of TTC, AKA testing day. No AF but I got a BFN. Apparently, I am meant to be upset but being the simple minded creature I am, I'm actually in a very good mood. Let me explain.....

I have been lurking on this forum for the last few months while I was WTT, just to get the gist of things because I have no children, I have never tried for a baby and I have never been pregnant or even had a scare - meaning I have never used a pregnancy or ovulation test as I have never needed to.

I have read posts on this forum that have oozed frustration when lines of tests are faint/faded/too thin and being the slightly obsessive control freak that I am, the thought of being that frustrated with not knowing made me decide to dig deep and buy some digital CB pregnancy tests (I justified this to the OH by explaining that they were the Gucci of pregnancy tests and are therefore essential!).

Fast forward the 2ww to today. I just have to say that the 3 minutes of waiting for the result was the longest 3 minutes of my life and in my opinion, far more stressful than the 2ww itself! During these 3 minutes I apparently became a woman possessed as I kept charging to and from the bathroom chanting, "I can't look, I need to look, I can't look, why is it taking so long!!??". When we (finally!) got my BFN, OH was a little disappointed but I, on the other hand, was ecstatic with the little 'not pregnant' display. This is where you lovely ladies come in......

Am I strange for getting worked up during the 3 minutes? And to then go on to be amazed by the CB tests, which I have kept by my side all day as I think the result is so easy and cute? (OH: "Cute? WTF?")

Also, I am very sorry for the autobiography :wall2: This is all still very new and exciting to me. As I am now TTC after 6 months of WTT, I finally feel worthy to post and get to know you guys. So hi roomies! :dance:
hehehe welcome!

i have in a way relished the opportunity to get to know my cycle and after 2 happy accidental pregnancy (one that resulted in the most amazing life changing little boy) i am pleased to finally get the opportunity to do a PG test and be totally HAPPY about a positive result!

Welcome xx you sound a little bit mad, but i like that :D
Welcome cherry glitter - I like what you wrote and how you wrote it :) funny and inciteful - have you considered a career in journalism lol! As for how you were with the HPG - well, it's a massive thing - it could potentially change your life forever, so I think getting worked up is pretty normal. As for the way your are with the tests, well, all I can say is it's great that you can be so positive after a negative, so to speak :D Perhaps it's just the novelty? Anyway, hope you find this forum helpful - i've been on it for just over 2 weeks and it has helped me and I'm slightly obsessed with it now ;) - I definately find myself doing and thinking things I never would have thought/done before, so this whole ttc conceive process is all very strange and overwhelming at times. It's a roller cosster that's for sure. Anyway, i'm rambling, but stay positive and hopefully you'll get your 'pregnant' display soon :) xx
Hello and welcome

Love the post!

Good luck and hope you get your bfp soon

Hi :)

wishing you all the luck in the world hun :) :)
Welcome to PF and i hope you get your :bfp: very soon. xx

welcome cherryglitter, your post made me lol

after only 4 months ttc and telling myself 'i will not become obsessed', i must report that i'm a

PF addict. the wait in the bathroom feels like forever and i dare not look, have also taken to

looking at pregnancy tests in all sorts of lights (artificial and natural) lol - have actually seen

lines that are not there!!!

clara xx
Heyyyyy fellow crazy lady!!! (lol)
I feel u will fit in most perfectly here in the world of PF!
I myself am slightly obsessing and mad. espesh when dealing with OPKs and CB Preg tests.
I cant actually leave the damn things alone once i have pee'd on them. Yes i know it says to leave them horizontal on a level surface but it does seem to jump into my hand every few seconds whilst i freak out. And this is just the OPKs. U have no IDEA the insanity wen i am testing for a BFP!!

Glad u on our TTC team now. After lurking about on here for a few months! Lol nosey u! :)

Welcome and happy BDing!
Mucho Baby dust ur way missus
Damnit! And there I was trying to hide my insanity.... :oooo:

I believe ceebee is right, it is just the novelty as i have now parted with my BFN.

Thank you for all of the lovely, supportive comments. Double portions of :dust: to you all!!

I think I'm going to like it here!!

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