18 months speech


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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What should an 18 month old be saying as Eefie doesnt say a word! You ask him to copy you or say something and he stays tight lipped. Only word he ever says is Mama when he's annoyed like trying to open something but if you ask him to say Mama its met with silence. Sometimes it sounds like he's saying hello but he wont repeat it if you ask. He has never come up to me and said Mama/mummy or called my OH Daddy. He waves bye bye on a rare occasion (my mates 10 month old does this all the time)

Neighbour thinks its because he's so focussed on his mobility, he's very good on his feet, he climbs everything, pulls chairs or toys to reach higher things, walks backwards, runs so no problems there. Its just his speech. Everything I've read says about how the baby should be saying this and joining 2 words together, he hasn't even said one with meaning yet :?
I wouldn't worry about it as all children are different. My almost 2 year old still wont wave. he can, but choses not to :lol:

I spoke to my hv about speech and she said their main concern was that by 2 years of age, the child can understand whats being said, not so much on what they can say
Dont worry hun, as Kelsey says, it isnt until the age of two that they start to evaluate speech; then they start by looking at hearing and comprehension, not production. Each child is different. As Eefie does wave when he wants to, he obviously can, just cant be bothered to do it when you want him to!!! :shakehead: Little monkey! As far as actual speech, it doesnt actually sound as if there is any impediment there as he is saying mama sounds when he wants to.
As an illustration of how different they can be, my eldest daughter had quite a vocabulary by the age of 14 months; mama, papa, agua(water), cheese, shoe, fifia (the daughter of a friend), etc. Ani only says sounds and the only one she relates to someone is Dada :roll: , for the rest of us it is matatataetetetdadtatatatetete! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

mamichuli is right... Tia was only diagnosed with problems at the age of 2, her hearing problems were really apparent yet she passed the rattle test...as she was picking up clues from me which a lot of kids with hearing problems do... If i called her she never came, if I shouted she never flinched or startled, she wouldn't turn to look at anyone. At 18 months she never said anything, she never even babbled... she squawked at times and cried but there was no attempt at speech. Lil miss on the other hand, babbles away, chats even says some words, the complete opposite to Tia. Also at this age, Tia was up and cruising furniture where lil miss still ends up flinging herself over and hurting herself while sitting....so they either focus on talking or focus on walking.

You in your heart know if something is wrong with you LO and if things are still the same at two then definitely get him assessed, but right now, just chat to him loads, pretend you understand him, but don't try and make him repeat words as that will only make him clam up. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Minime said:
What should an 18 month old be saying as Eefie doesnt say a word! You ask him to copy you or say something and he stays tight lipped. Only word he ever says is Mama when he's annoyed like trying to open something but if you ask him to say Mama its met with silence. Sometimes it sounds like he's saying hello but he wont repeat it if you ask. He has never come up to me and said Mama/mummy or called my OH Daddy. He waves bye bye on a rare occasion (my mates 10 month old does this all the time)

Neighbour thinks its because he's so focussed on his mobility, he's very good on his feet, he climbs everything, pulls chairs or toys to reach higher things, walks backwards, runs so no problems there. Its just his speech. Everything I've read says about how the baby should be saying this and joining 2 words together, he hasn't even said one with meaning yet :?

Dan is in the same boat, but at 20 months. He only says a few words, which never seem to be in context. Apart from thank you which he just says constantly! he does understand me as in if I ask he 'where is his head?' He will touch it. And he is a real babbler, but I still feel he should be progressing more than he is. I've got an appointment week after next with my HV for him to be assessed. I'll let you know what they say incase its of any help :)
luke is 19 months nearly and he says quite a bit but his speech has really taken off in the last couple of months, he was slower to walk mind you.

his friends are 21 months and they don't say much "mama" dada" "see yah" but the health visitor wasn't concerned as they seem to understand what was being said to them however she is seeing them again next week to keep an eye on them, wil let you know how they get on. like effie they too are great on their feet, running walking up and about climbing and generally all over the place.

if it persists it something maybe your HV should be aware of just to keep an eye on him. :hug:
OOO I've been here - in fact it's only in the last couple of months my daughter (now 2 1/2 ) has started to speak. Until then everything was "didi" apart from mummy and daddy.

She understood everything (and as someone else said, that is the main concern of the HV's) and was just taking her time.

He'll get there :hug:
Thanks girls, he has no problem understanding whats being said (go get your shoe etc) and makes plenty of sounds but just doesn't seem to want to talk. Will see how he goes over next 6 months and speak to hv if he's not talking by 2
As has already been said, development varies massively. Austin has pretty good speech, he can say probably 20 words and joins them together (Daddy gone, car go vroom, Eddie (the cat) num-num (dinner)). Having said that we have a friend who's little boy is a similar age who only says Mummy.

As long as he understands you I don't think you need to worry :hug:
Stanley only started to speak at around 18 months and now we can't shut him up! :lol:

Eefie sounds like he's doing fine but have a word with the HV to put your mind at rest. :hug:
I avoid new HV like the plague :lol: There's a really nice one at the clinic with kids of similar age gaps to mine who understands my needs, I want her but I'm stuck with the dizzy one :(

Maybebaby, I say num nums too lol!
Nathan doesn't say a word either. He has been assessed by a speech therapist who is sending us on a course to see if we can bring him on. He has problem with understanding too though!
He's having a go! Today he went running to my OH and shouted DADDY! :cheer:
And he's consistently saying Phone and Car.

Understanding wise he's fine, he knows who Molly is, understands most things you ask him to do (except NO which he's deaf to) and is a whizz with the washing machine, he puts the tablets in for me, opens the tray for the conditioner and starts trying to do the dials as well as loading and unloading :lol:

Kel, let me know how Nathan gets on hun
Go Eefie! :cheer: Thats well good hun. Sounds like he's coming on. Just for the record Dan ignores No too! :lol:
That's great! There's obviously no problem with his understanding so I wouldn't worry about his speech for the time being :hug:

Oh and it's funny how Austin seems to understand everything except 'no' and 'come here'...
yey eefie thats great vix!

its confirmed luke ignores "NO" too, they are practising to be men with their selective hearing see! :talkhand:
rusks said:
yey eefie thats great vix!

its confirmed luke ignores "NO" too, they are practising to be men with their selective hearing see! :talkhand:

Too true hun! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Some children can only manage to do one thing at a time, Harrison was the same he concerntrated on his mobility first and once that was sorted he started with the words, its amazing how quickly they come along. Harrison doesnt stop chatting now and he understands everything you say even if he cannot repeat it.
Bless him, today he's been like mother hen. First thing this morning when I'm getting their bottles ready he comes over with the infacol for molly as she was crying (I give her a couple of drops to settle her and she knows bottle is on its way!) He's also wiped her mouth when she was a little bit sick (with her top mind but he tried!) He's unloaded the washing machine for me, put molly's dummy back in 5 million times, tried to wind her and stroked her hair (she then had a sticky head but never mind lol!) and even put his changing mat away, little star today! :cheer:
Well DS started off so well I thought ''great he is gonna be a talker'' but he kinda gave up and is stalling these days and just says the same words he has been doing for a few months and nothing else new!

He does however understand everything so you girls saying thats ok has re-assured me that this is fine. Like you lot though and him being a man, the word no is not in his vocab :rotfl:

He calls everyone & quite alot of things Daddiieeee is this normal? He will not say mummy and calls me daddy to :roll: :cry:

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