16 week midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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I'm just back from seeing the midwife, bit of a disappointment really, just got blood pressure and urine checked which was all ok. Had to get blood re-taken as some results aren't back from my 12 week bloods so they think a sample must have gone missing :roll:

I thought she might have listened for the heartbeat, did anyone else get this done at 16 weeks or am I getting confused?

I can't believe I am 16 weeks already, I feel like my pregnancy is flying in!
my midwife did listen but she did say it was a bit early and it was luck that we actually heard it xx
I haven't had the mw listen to bubba's hb at all honey x
ye at 16 weeks they should listen to heartbeat so I was told. She listened to my little one's x
I had my 16 week check last week and was also very disappointed as i just had my BP taken, more blood and urine sample tested. I recall when i had my son 4years ago the midwife listened in at 16weeks and it's that reassurance i was looking for this time :(
Guess i'll have to wait 3 weeks for my next scan.
I have just heard HB twice, at the 17 week midwifes and at the cvs afterwards to check baby was not affected, mind you I did ask the midwife, as wanted to confirm baby was still ok in there after the 14 week CVS test, so not sure if it was not normally on the agenda.

When is your next appointment with her, maybee you can ask then?
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i got my appointment next week and my MW said she is going to listen to my babys HB. i also got to listen to it with my DD.
i know what you mean about the time hun, im wondering where it is going to xx
JJ my next midwife appointment isn't until I'm 25 weeks. Got my 20 week scan to look forward to first :dance:

MissPink, I just noticed that my 20 week scan is the same day as yours! Are you going to be finding out the sex or staying team yellow?
Had apt at midwife at 14 week 2 days and she listened to baby heartbeat - should have been 15 week but went early due to the dizziness - i was then crafty on Wednesday and asked when i went for the hospital apt for the cyst and they listened again - so luckily we have heard babys heartbeat twice now - didnt want a doppler incase i couldnt find it myself and got stressed OH agreed but im tempted now - dont know if i will be able to hold myself waiting till 20 week scan x
The MW checked for baby's heartbeat at my 16 weeks appointment and she also measured my tummy.

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