16 week m/w app?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2011
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Hey ladies do any of you know if they listen to babys hearbeat at 16 week check?

Its been that long i cant remember i have mine on 5th sept and gonna have to take our girls with me, thought it'd be nice if they knew they were gonna hear it

TIA xxx
I gather it depends on your MW and local Trust policy. I got to hear HB at 16 weeks, some others had to ask and some got told they didn't do that anymore. Sorry prob not much help.
I was told I would but like ninja says it depends on ur local trust.
i heard hb at my 16 week app but i had to ask as they don't do it as part of routine anymore, but she was more than happy to do it x
My mw said there was no point she is a cow tho! She said NICE guidelines say it gives no indication in the growth of the baby! Glad i have me own Doppler! Ask tho she can only say yes or no!!!

My midwife did it as a routine check :) Depends on your midwives and their way of doing things really.
When you're at your appointment though, ask them if you will hear the baby's heartbeat in the appointment.

At my 11 week home visit, I asked the midwife if I could listen to the heartbeat and she did it for me despite not doing it until 14 weeks normally :) xxx
My midwife told me she would listen for it at next appt (which is my 16 week check) I didn't ask.
my mw did at my 16 week appt and she did yesterday too, but i had a hole in my heart as a child so think they have to with me, plus hole are harder to detect so they have to keep checking as his heart gets bigger.
and tiffanyjayne didnt know they did home visit? did u request one? x
Thanks everyone, like i said been that long and that much has changed since i had Alisha-Mae im not sure!

Will def ask when i go she can only say no! xxx
In my town, the midwives do a home visit to introduce themselves and go over everything with you :) It lasts about an hour and a half and they ask you a lot of things! As well as take your blood, do a urine sample, check blood pressure, family history etc

I saw my midwife before this session though because I called them up and told them I was pregnant, but in that appointment I just had a quick 10 minute check-up and she told me how far I was into my pregnancy and arranged a scan :) xxx
In my town, the midwives do a home visit to introduce themselves and go over everything with you :) It lasts about an hour and a half and they ask you a lot of things! As well as take your blood, do a urine sample, check blood pressure, family history etc

I saw my midwife before this session though because I called them up and told them I was pregnant, but in that appointment I just had a quick 10 minute check-up and she told me how far I was into my pregnancy and arranged a scan :) xxx

Thank you :) ive seen a midwife already for my booking in app here you go to them that lasted forever!!

Done the 12 week scan lol now 16 week app next monday, ill just ask them to listen in haha xxx

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