15 dpo and had negative's since 10 dpo


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
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I came across this site when i was googling about symptoms because i am currently 15 dpo so roughly 4 days late, and had negative pregnancy test up till yesterday but did not bother taken one today because i expect it to be the same:eh:.

I have a short cycle of 23-25 days and my last period was the 4th may, but today i have had cramping, feeling sick, tired and last night i was sick with sore chest.

But i guess with all the google answers i have seen i am defiantly out since i never got a positive on day 14.

But it could be my mind playing tricks on me, and the symptoms are not related to pregnancy sign at all, who knows lol
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sorry hun,didnt wanna read n run - you may have ovulated late which is why u aren't gettin a bfp yet.

fingers crossed for you :dust:
I've heard some people don't get a positive until afew weeks late!! Goodluck x x
your not out yet hun!

I was due on may 17th....(lmp before that was 13th april) didnt get a bfp untill may 25th and i have long 35/36 day cycles xxx
As you AF has not arrived thats still great
I have 26-28 day cycle and finally got a V.V.V faint BFP on CD34 !! I think I must have ov'd late for some reason, so hang in there and good luck

what tests are you using , maybee try a CB digi?
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Thanks for the replies,

That has gave me a bit of reassurance that i am not out yet :)

I used asda own brand pregnancy tests at 10,11,13,14 dpo, i thought they were sensitive. I am still not having any symptoms of my period coming today either so looks like i will be off to get another test this week some time if it has not arrived.

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