15 Days Pregnant!!


Active Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Just found out i'm pregnant, 4 BFP and it's finally sinking in.
Only thing is if my calculations are right i'm only 15 days pregant :( is this possible?
My breasts are sore, I'm feeling very tired and sick and i'm wee'ing alot already.
(I'm thinking maybe my calculations are wrong somehow)
Thanks in advance
I imagine that you are 4 weeks or so pregnant (in the UK they count from the LMP) but it's been 15 days since you ovulated?


My last period was the 18th of december. But i have PCOS and only have a period every other month. But i took a pregnancy test at the end of January and it was negative. Me and my partner didnt have sex for over a month (mid-jan to mid-feb) the 14th of february. So off my working out it must have been the 14th that i concieved.
My last period was the 18th of december. But i have PCOS and only have a period every other month. But i took a pregnancy test at the end of January and it was negative. Me and my partner didnt have sex for over a month (mid-jan to mid-feb) the 14th of february. So off my working out it must have been the 14th that i concieved.

Yep - that would make you about 4 weeks.

I got my + OPK on 14th and am testing tomorrow!

Oh confusing! You could be further on than you think though you could have a shy bean that wasn't ready to make itself known on a test! x

sorry i'm a little confused. does that mean you think i concieved on the 14th if this month or in january. I'm very new to this, sorry
i was thinking that at first but a clear blue that tells you the weeks has just shown me at 1-2 weeks. God am so confused :(
If you had a negative test at the end of January and then had sex again on 14th Feb I think it's likely that that is around the time you conceived.

Oh ok well when you go to the docs you can talk to them about it to see what they say and they may even give you an early scan if you don't know what your dates are so then you'll know xx
Congratulations by the way sorry how rude of me xxx

The 1-2 weeks on a CB digi is from date of conception. Because this is so variable, doctors and midwives use the date of your last period (lmp) to say how pregnant you are. Normally this is around 2 weeks before your conception date, so for you this would have normally been approximately the 1st of Feb. However, because your periods are so irregular this will not be accurate.

This would be a good reason to ask for an early scan, to get an idea of dates. When you go see the doctor, they will refer you to the midwife who will be able to get your dates sorted.

For now, as everyone says, just go by the approximate calculation of 4 weeks pregnant.

And congrats!! xx
Okay thankyou very much, guess its too soon to tell people then. Dont know if i can keep it a secret for longer. Its only been 2 days and i'm getting desperate and impatient already xxx
Think i'm going to ask for an early scan, my doctor said they had to go off my last period even thou i know it wasn't then. i've got an appointment with the midwife on monday, so wil suggest it then if she doesnt.
Thankyou very much for your replies.
Hope all your pregnancies are going well, and i'm sure i'll be asking more of your wisdom in the long 9 months to come :P .
Congratulaions on your pregnancies
Congratulations, you not know for sure until u get ur scan but until then go with 4 weeks, will just be a bonus if it's longer!! X
I'm not sure if i want it to be longer or shorter, we're getting married on th 25th August. So agreed at christmas to stop trying til closer if not after the wedding. But as everyone says when you stop trying it happens.
Best news ever though so I am extremely happy. Cant wait to find out thou, I want to tell my Mum lol
Ha ha even bigger congratulations then! Although a few extra weeks won't make much diff by august hun! You may need to re plan your dream dress tho!

Tell your mum if you want! I did! I couldn't imagine not telling her or my bestest bud! That's it tho keeping it hush until 12 weeks scan! Not easy! The trick is to keep busy so get planning that wedding in depth to pass the next few weeks!!!!x
Aww congratulations hun a baby and a wedding is very exciting! :) stick around the ladies are all lovely on here and very helpful xxx
jonesy2be are you on the youandyourwedding forums? If not there is someone sounding exactly the same as you on there

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