12 year old beats toddler to death

Complete tragedy.

The 12 year old was looking after 2 kids, he obviously wasnt nearly old enough to be doing that.

Now one child dead and another probably going to spend a lot of time in one institution or another.
That is disgusting..that kid is too young to be at home by himself let alone looking after 2 younger kids by himself..
OMG! that is crazy, who in the right mind leaves a 12 year old in charge of a baby?? the parent should be locked up too.
How stupid could those parents possibly be, leaving him with such young children at such a young age, my god are they thick or something, and that little boy, keep him in the cells for the rest of his life, he bloody deserves it, :x
how sad, firstly that the parents of that little girl have let her down. I know at 12 your too young to look after a baby by yourself but your also aware of your action which is really quite scarey that a 12 year old child would do something so horrific! :cry:
I cared for my brother and sister when I was 12.. not for long periods of time though... :think: I think this little boy was left consistently with his younger siblings and the little girl. Which at his age really isn't fair. Also it's awful to say, but he was a boy and at 12 most boys aren't really very maternal whereas you get the odd girl who is.. :roll:
looks like the mother had to go to work all hours to put food on the table, and wasn't able to get any time off during the holidays. Nodody could babysit, so she left the kids.

Seems this happens way too often. I'm not defending her in any way, but I bet she found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place.

What a price to pay.......

I wonder why none of the other family members could help out?

So sad :cry:
I hate reading things like this, when it could have been prevented by a little bit of thought and care.

And what a sick little boy to do something as hateful as that.

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