10 DPO...Need you help ladies!!!-UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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I've been feeling odd the last week. I've listed the days and symptoms below. Can someone take a look at this and tell me if they had similar symptoms when they got their bfp or if im clutching at straws? Ta x

5DPO - Wave of sickness around 8pm that lasted for several minutes, sore head and tired
6DPO - Same sicky feeling again and exhausted, had to get up twice during the night for a wee
7DPO - was doing my weekly shop and came over all dizzy twice, like the floor was moving and my head was spinning
8DPO - Needing to wee a lot more and getting spots on my back
9DPO - Really bad lower back cramps, had to get OH to massage it so i could get to sleep. Was sleeping for 9pm and had been really moody all day
10DPO - (today) Backache has got worse, actually in agony with it today and i just feel so tired, even though i slept for 91/2 hours last night. Not got any AF symptoms yet and I usually get sore bbs a week before and get a breakout of spots but only have two.

I'm sooo confused as i had backpain when before i got my BFP with DD but i cant help feeling as though i am clutching at straws. I know the signs look good but can anyone honestly say they have or have had similar symptoms?

Only 4 days til AF is due and i really don't want to test in case its a BFN.:wall2:
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Hi Chelly - sorry can't help as never had a BFP but didn't want to read and run - only 3 more days to go - how are you feeling today?
Sorry cant really help - the only thing I got was the night before bfp I got a wave of sickness when eating a bowl of cheerios. Getting symptoms has to be a good sign though, fingers crossed for a bfp :)
Best to wait as long as possible before you test. Fingers crossed for you!

SPC xx
Thanks for your posts ladies. I think i could be reading too much into it as AF is due in 2 days. I'm still having the cramps in my back and my boobs are swollen now. They usually get sore a week before AF but only been the last few days so god only knows lol. I just wish i could have AF now and get it out the way instead of having to wait another 2 days :wall2:. Quite annoyed at myself because i promised i wouldnt symptom spot but i actually have a bit of hope this month because we seem to have BD on the right days so u never know.

Anyway time will tell and if i have no AF by Sunday then I'll test!
Hi Chelly, I cant really help as ive never had a BFP. If they are similar to your symptoms for previous BFP then it does sound positive, fx for you when you test xx
Thank you all :)

All i can remember is having really bad cramps when i got my BFP with DD but i cant remember anything else. 1- because it was so long ago and 2- i wasnt symptom spotting so i could have had tons more but never noticed.

So frustrating all this waiting and if i do get AF it is going to be horrendou considering how strong my symptoms are.

I'll just have to wait it out and hopefully I'll be back here with an announcement :x
heres hoping you do Chellybaby , fingers crossed for you X
Think the :witch: has got me :afalert:

Just went to the loo and have got a streak of brown. I know it could be IB but my cramps have gotten a lot worse today so think it is AF.

Feel really down and ive made a totaly arse of myself again by actually thinking i could be pregnant.
O Hun your not a arse to be honest we all do it!! It's hard
not to when your ttc!! ESP as you know when you could test!! It's hard!! Hope your ok lovely x xx
Chelly dont be hard on yourself....of course you havent made an arse of yourself.....its so hard when were TTC to not think the slightest thing is possibly this or possible that....look at how many of us have clutched at straws because we want it soooooo much.... Know Im not much use to you but know were all here for eachother to support you and listen....((((hugs)))) xxx
Aww hun,fx its not af but dont beat urself up about it if it is. i was convinced i was pg last month,at least u havent become a poas addict like i did,shamefully threw 21 used tests away!! xxx
I did exactly the same this month and used up 4 tests way too early and think AF has got me too - only 24 days this cycle (ticker is out) - I hope it is IB for you though and if not sending you loads of Baby Dust for next month :)
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Think the :witch: has got me :afalert:

Just went to the loo and have got a streak of brown. I know it could be IB but my cramps have gotten a lot worse today so think it is AF.

Feel really down and ive made a totaly arse of myself again by actually thinking i could be pregnant.

:hug: chelly we ALL symptom spot and think we're pregnant, ALL of us, ALL the time! Sure every month so far i've had a post with my symptoms lol.

Its so disappointing though.. the only way to look at this is that if you get pregnant next month, this could be your last af for over a year!! :dance::hug:
Thanks everyone for your lovely posts. I'm just feeling really down at the moment but I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way.

Well ive had no more bleeding since the spottign yesterday but i tested this morning and got a BFN. Could still be too early but i def think I'm out this month. Gutted though becuase my symptoms were looking so good. But I'm not out until the witch arrives so we shall see tomorrow.

Thanks again for your encouragement. Good to know that people are here when you need to rant.
:hug: fx that witch stays away x hope u get ur bfp soon xx
I hope the witch stays away for you hun,
Fingers crossed for you x x x
Keep running to the toilet to check but no sign of her yet. Got really itchy nipples (tmi) and my bbs are totally swollen. OH even noticed last night. Don't know if that is AF or EP? I hate this waiting and i just know i am going to be absolutely devastated when i get AF tomorrow. I will be feeling so sorry for myself :violin:. But if i do get AF then onto another month of TTC and i will try even harder.

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