How soon did you get your symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I'm due my Af on 18th so would be about 12 DPO.

I've been getting 'symtoms for the past 4/5 days now


Feeling sicky
Funny taste in mouth, like sucking a 2p
AF type pains
Bleeding gums when I brush me teeth
Boobs are bigger
And have spots

Although today I have only had the bleeding gums, Af type pains and am knackered. Spots are still there and my boobs are still bigger as well.

Is it too early for these symptoms? Are they just in my head do you think :? I can't remember for the life of me When I first got symptoms with my first two pregnancies :doh:
I can't remember my last period think it was about 6 weeks ago. On the pill and sometime don't take a break (on doc advice) due to bad cramps etc. Lately i've got awful with taking it and have had sex any way as wouldn't mind having a baby now.
Anyway last week or so have had sore boobs, had period like cramps, back ache, feeling sick (but not being), have put on weight, had pink like colour on tissue when I wiped the other day, so tired and tearful.
Really want to do a test as more I think about it the more I hope I am, but then I think am I just being silly!
Sounds like you could be hun. Have you got some HPT's? If you have maybe you can do one in the morning :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds good skairdykat!

These are mine symptoms and AF is due on the 18th with me too -

terrible heartburn (comes and goes)
veiny larger breasts
AF pains
slight backache

Fingers crossed for all of us :hug: :hug: :hug:
Shall we be test buddies then?
I was going to test either Sun/Mon if AF doesn't show. How about you?
skairdykat said:
Shall we be test buddies then?
I was going to test either Sun/Mon if AF doesn't show. How about you?

Cool. How about erm... i want to say Sunday but maybe Monday would be better? What do you think?
Yeah Monday would prob be better. I have been sooooo tempted to test but have resisted :wall:
Skairdykat I did one and it was negative. To be honest i'm absolutely gutted. Thinking about trying properly now. Its like all I can think of. Both got good jobs and bought a bigger house so guess a good time. Good luck with yours. Be thinking of you.
ur symptoms do sound like pg symptoms. good luck!
Did a test this morning and it was BFN. Really fed up by this, but AF still hasn't shown :? . Had some slight spotting today, but not blood jast a brown discharge :oops:. Had this a bit over the weekend as well but theres nothing at all now. Still getting the AF type cramps and am still totally knackered. I used OPK's as well this cycle so I know I OV'd around 17 days ago so have no idea whats going on :wall: :wall:

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