❤️ September 2023 due date ❤️

Hi! I think I’m nervously joining you with an EDD of 13th September :preg:
Yay I have a friend ☺️ its all normal to worry, this is my third and a complete surprise (was due Xmas day and it didn't show up ..Thank-you santa ) and I still worry about every twinge and cramp xxx
Yay I have a friend ☺️ its all normal to worry, this is my third and a complete surprise (was due Xmas day and it didn't show up ..Thank-you santa ) and I still worry about every twinge and cramp xxx
Thanks. I’ve had 2 previous losses so it just makes me super worried all of the time. I don’t have any symptoms really either at the moment which also worries me. I took another pregnancy test yesterday which was super strong especially compared to the one I took on Monday so that has reassured me.

How are you getting on? Have you got any symptoms? What a lovely Christmas surprise you had!

This is my 4th pregnancy but I only have 1 little girl who is now 3. I had 2 MCs in 2018 and then my little girl in 2019.
How far gone was you with the miscarriages? Sorry to hear about those sending hugs so its bound to worry you you just got to try and think it's a whole new pregnancy. I have 2 girls and a bonus daughter so I have a feeling this baby will be a girl too lol god help my fella. Willow is 4 and river just turned 1. With willow I had bad sickness from 5 weeks to the end even threw up in labour and I got bad spd. With river I had nothing except the spd again but I suffer with sciatica which doesn't help. Also with river I was showing at 7 weeks it was my dad's funeral and I wore a baggy dress but could still see my bump so every one knew I was pregnant early on. This time round my boobs are leaking milk , crampy and back ache and a constant head ache but I'm not sleeping much as going through a really bad ordeal wirh my 4 year old at moment so she's having nightmares cos of it and refusing to sleep when she wakes up terrified, but I have days like today I don't feel pregnant at all I have my booking in with midwife on 20th Jan they really set it all up quickly and registered Me at my chosen hospital xx
Thanks. They were both around 4-5 weeks so early miscarriages. I definitely felt reassured with our rainbow baby when I’d got past that point so still a couple of weeks away from that yet.

oh I’m hoping your sickness isn’t as bad this time. They do say every pregnancy is different don’t they?

Sorry to hear about Willow. I hope she gets past it soon and stops having nightmares. Are you going to find out what you’re having?

I had SPD last time but I can’t remember when it started. I think it might have been around 28 weeks but I’d need to check back on my journal on here. I’m hoping I’m not going to get it this time but I probably will seeing as I had it last time.

I’ve had some twinges down there today but I’m just hoping it’s our little bean getting snug. Not had any other symptoms apart from that but I didn’t last time either. I was very lucky and didn’t have any sickness. I don’t was in New York when I was 6 weeks pregnant and didn’t like some of the sweet smells but that was about it. Hopefully this pregnancy is the same haha
Oh yes will certainly find out I'm farrrr to impatient had early 16 week private scans with the girls haha. All I want to do is sleep and eat I've never been so tired in all my life I've been doing crafting with willow today just to do something with her and then after she had her bath I laid in bed with her watching bluey I was almost asleep again. I think I was around 28 weeks with willow when I got spd I know it was more than half way through but I got it before 12 week scan with river so I'm dreading that part. But I'll be honest and I know loads of women would hate me and give anything to be in my position I hate been pregnant I feel so shit the whole time I wish I was one of those that glowed and breezed through it on the other hand though I absolutely loved both my labour's so easy and quick they both flew out river was only 3 mins of pushing and no stitches and willow wasn't much more than that so I'm all for the labour part. Willows having help with ISVA her scum bag father had been sexually abusing her (I'm with some one else and rivers his baby so willow went to her dad's every weekend) waiting on the court date it's been a tough ride but so proud of her talking about it (although not nice to hear ) and having her video evidence and everything else they have done with her. The police are fab even came round at Xmas with a load of presents for her.
By the way I'm Sarah too (holli was my dog at the time and every name I put in was taken lol ) xx
Hi fellow Sarah!
Oh my I’m so sorry to hear about what Willow has been through! That is beyond tough and you sound like you’re doing amazing!! It sounds like the police have been good in supporting you too!

we didn’t find out the sex last time but my husband really wanted to so I promised him if we had a 2nd that we would find out… let’s see if he remembers haha x
So I took my last Clear Blue Digi today as it is 1 week following my BFP. Last week it said 1-2 weeks but this Monday it said 3+ weeks <3 which is so reassuring!

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That's brilliant news you must be feeling so much better seeing that 3+. Have you rung your doctor/midwife yet?
I rang the day I found out as I'm on antidepressants and wanted to check I was OK still using them. She booked me in with midwife too. Midwife has phoned me and booked me in to see her on 24th for bloods and all that usual stuff and has already registered me at my chosen hospital for birth. The midwife at the hospital has sent me the link don't know if it's same from your area but instead of having bounty notes here any more (had them for willow but not river) it's all done on line on the app called my pregnancy notes . It's has every thing wrote on it from appointments scans results the lot xx
Yes I feel so much more reassured now! With my losses I only ever got 1-2 weeks on a CB digi so it’s made me feel happier.

I tried to contact my GP online Wed-Fri last week but had no luck so phoned them. They gave me the phone number to the midwives and I phoned them on Friday. They gave me a link to complete and said they’d be in touch in a few days. The form online said up to 5 working days. Hoping they get back to me soon then.

That’s good that you have your date in and hospital confirmed too. I had to confirm my hospital preference on my form online.

I’m not sure I had bounty notes last time, just the bounty packs. I’ll have to see what they say they’re doing in our area. An app sounds handy though!
Where abouts are you ? I'm in middle of Sheffield and Rotherham. Your doctors sound usually like mine .not sure if it's cos I'll be 37 in March or cos I got pist natal depression after having river that they seem to be on the ball this time. I know I had to do alot of chasing last time round so it's nice they ate doing their jobs. What a relief to be getting the 3+ hun you must feel a huge weight of you and lot less panic over it. Although it's all very worrying no one ever tells you do they just how much you panic when you become pregnant and then it lasts all way through and even when they are here you never stop worrying over them my mum tells me all time that I spoil the girls and that I'm always hugging and kissing them and that when she sees me I always have at least one of them on my knee. I usually tell her to bore off and that while ever they want hugs and kisses I will give them that willows forever telling me she loves me and even goes as far as saying I'm her hero she's just a diamond . Rivers very affectionate too always coming for cuddles and grabs your face for wet sloppy kisses xx
I’m near to Manchester. I’ve had my booking appointment arranged for 31st Jan which is just a week behind you. I’m on countdown now!

aw yes it really is a constant worry. You worry when you’re pregnant, then you worry until you get to the next milestone, then you worry they aren’t ok all of the time and it doesn’t get much easier once they’re born haha. Life of being a parent eh?

My little girl loves cuddles and is very affectionate too. It’s lovely! Bless Willow saying you’re her hero! You really are though saving her from her horrible dad!!
Well hospital just rung me they want me in tomorrow at 11 for a scan scary and exciting at same time xx
Well hospital just rung me they want me in tomorrow at 11 for a scan scary and exciting at same time xx
How come they want you in for a scan? Did they say? Hope it all goes well! X
I'm 37 in March so they said they want to check it's in right place, make sure it's not multiples and check how far iam. If iam only 7 weeks like I reckon I've got a bump already and having to wear maternity jeans as others hurt but i had a bump at 7 weeks with river so thats not new with me. My boobs are full of milk and leaking and I swear I feel movement every now and again could be gas probably is lol xx

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