❤️ September 2023 due date ❤️

Thanks ladies . I was shocked at how big baby was it was wriggling every where she had to freeze it so I could get a pic. They scanned me in the epau she said if it was bad news it's best that way so not surrounded by heavily pregnant women which I think is great now they have started doing that. Because it was in epau they had no printers to get a scan pic but she was quite happy for me to take a pic on my phone. I went in alone Danny could of come in with me but they said no babies or kids allowed so had no one to watch river so he stayed jn car while I went in. I'm fully expecting to bleed tho cos she scared me and said there was implantation bleeding in the scan I did ask if I would bleed she said could do but more than likely it would absorb into my body again I hope so I think I would crap myself if I saw any blood xx
Aw was it an internal scan? I’ve had a couple of those. They can be a little uncomfortable at times but at least she’s prewarned you if you bleed. I think I had a little blood after one of mine but not much. X
No was an ultra sound one done on my tummy she got all the gel stuff all Overy jeans lol xx
Hi! I’m 5 weeks+3 today which is a relief as I MC at 5 weeks+2 so I’m past that point which feels good. I feel like most days I don’t feel pregnant but then at night when I’m lay in bed I feel like I can feel my uterus expanding and I feel like my stomach is growing. I know it’s all probs just in my head and the little aches etc are my womb accommodating for our little one. I’m guessing I’m just too busy in the day to notice the little movements as much haha. I definitely just feel ‘fuller’ in that area if that makes sense haha.

I need to try and dig out my pregnancy journal from last time to see if I felt the same last time. Last time I was pregnant around this time in the pregnancy I was celebrating my 30th and heading to New York (surprise trip) so I’m guessing I didn’t notice as much as I was too busy in the day and then too exhausted at night hha
Wow, that's an incredible scan pic for an ultrasound at that point holli! It looks similar to my trans vaginal scan at 8 weeks :) xx
38 years old. Fourth pregnancy. The previous one in Caesarea. Week four plus 5. I bled last night in a submenstrual amount. without pain. I went to the emergency room. A gestational sac with a yolk sac was demonstrated in a low position in the uterus with some contents visible as clots above the sac. Normal ovaries. Normal BHCG increase (4 days ago 1550, yesterday 4213). The doctor concluded with a high probability that, based on the bleeding and sonographic image, it is a miscarriage. She ordered a US in 3-4 days. Could it be a normal pregnancy after all?
38 years old. Fourth pregnancy. The previous one in Caesarea. Week four plus 5. I bled last night in a submenstrual amount. without pain. I went to the emergency room. A gestational sac with a yolk sac was demonstrated in a low position in the uterus with some contents visible as clots above the sac. Normal ovaries. Normal BHCG increase (4 days ago 1550, yesterday 4213). The doctor concluded with a high probability that, based on the bleeding and sonographic image, it is a miscarriage. She ordered a US in 3-4 days. Could it be a normal pregnancy after all?
Oh fingers crossed everything is ok and it isn’t a miscarriage xx
Thanks ladies . I was shocked at how big baby was it was wriggling every where she had to freeze it so I could get a pic. They scanned me in the epau she said if it was bad news it's best that way so not surrounded by heavily pregnant women which I think is great now they have started doing that. Because it was in epau they had no printers to get a scan pic but she was quite happy for me to take a pic on my phone. I went in alone Danny could of come in with me but they said no babies or kids allowed so had no one to watch river so he stayed jn car while I went in. I'm fully expecting to bleed tho cos she scared me and said there was implantation bleeding in the scan I did ask if I would bleed she said could do but more than likely it would absorb into my body again I hope so I think I would crap myself if I saw any blood xx
So happy you got to see your little bean! Glad everything seems ok, and you got a heads up on a possible bleed. Keep us posted!!!
Wow, that's an incredible scan pic for an ultrasound at that point holli! It looks similar to my trans vaginal scan at 8 weeks  xx

Yeah I was thinking I looked more 8 weeks I had a 7 week scan with river and it was just a blob, this you could see little arms legs moving around and head and body. She said before she put it on my belly she wanted to see the sac and yolk so when she saw what she did she said ooooo look at that heart too I was trying not to pee myself lol xx
So happy you got to see your little bean! Glad everything seems ok, and you got a heads up on a possible bleed. Keep us posted!!!

I will do, as soon as she said it thou I shot round she didn't seem concerned tho and said in a nice way she hopes she doesn't have to see me again lol I know if I bleed tho I will call them xx
38 years old. Fourth pregnancy. The previous one in Caesarea. Week four plus 5. I bled last night in a submenstrual amount. without pain. I went to the emergency room. A gestational sac with a yolk sac was demonstrated in a low position in the uterus with some contents visible as clots above the sac. Normal ovaries. Normal BHCG increase (4 days ago 1550, yesterday 4213). The doctor concluded with a high probability that, based on the bleeding and sonographic image, it is a miscarriage. She ordered a US in 3-4 days. Could it be a normal pregnancy after all?

Hope it all turns out good for you xx
Yeah I was thinking I looked more 8 weeks I had a 7 week scan with river and it was just a blob, this you could see little arms legs moving around and head and body. She said before she put it on my belly she wanted to see the sac and yolk so when she saw what she did she said ooooo look at that heart too I was trying not to pee myself lol xx
Aw how amazing! When you go for your dating scan they may move your due date earlier if the baby is measuring further along.
Aw how amazing! When you go for your dating scan they may move your due date earlier if the baby is measuring further along.

I've not had my dating scan through yet I'm seeing midwife on 24th for bloods ill double check they haven't wrote it on my notes on line as I've not had any letters yet xx
Last time my midwife only referred me to hospital for my dating scan after I’d had my booking appointment so she might do it then for you on 24th?
Last time my midwife only referred me to hospital for my dating scan after I’d had my booking appointment so she might do it then for you on 24th?

Possibly I had a letter from hospital this morning thinking it was that but it's for willow. How you feeling? Xx
Hi, I got a text today with a link to my hospital letter confirming my appointment. That’s new! Haha. It’s on 15th Feb. I don’t understand why I’m having a 2 hour appointment with the community midwife on 31st Jan and then another 2 hour appointment at hospital on 15th. I’ve just looked back through my pregnancy journal from last time and when I got my hospital booking appointment I was 11 weeks+6 whereas this time I’ll be 10 weeks. Last time they gave me the scan appointment on the same date so hopefully I’ll get it on 15th.

I hope you get your hospital appointment date soon!
Maybe ring them and see ? It always takes longer first one doesn't it cos you go thru all medical history and previous pregnancies and bloods and your bmi and all that jazz. I'll be in a week tomorrow for all that. Proper feeling sick all time all I can stomach to drink is milk so going thru loads in this house at moment as river is obsessed with milk too so when she sees me get it out fridge she goes mad at me to get her some lol willow won't entertain it tho xx
Maybe ring them and see ? It always takes longer first one doesn't it cos you go thru all medical history and previous pregnancies and bloods and your bmi and all that jazz. I'll be in a week tomorrow for all that. Proper feeling sick all time all I can stomach to drink is milk so going thru loads in this house at moment as river is obsessed with milk too so when she sees me get it out fridge she goes mad at me to get her some lol willow won't entertain it tho xx
Aw no! Thankfully I’ve not had any morning sickness yet. At least you’re ok with milk and that’s good for you haha. I didn’t have any sickness last time so hopefully it’s the same this time. It does usually come around 6 weeks so I’ve got another couple of days before I hit that date yet.
I hope the sickness subsides for you soon!
I swear I can feel movements probably just gas but it makes me jump. I've only been sick when ive had a cuppa which I'm glad about I'd rather anything than be sick hate it I get very close when it comes to brushing my teeth makes me gag just glad I'm not like I was with willow I was constantly sick with her hardly ate yet put 4 stone on I told them their scales was broken lol you couldn't tell I was pregnant with river from back or face on really only mainly from side I'm guna be a tank afte4 this cos I feel like I need food all time. Me and river go to bed for a good few hours while willows at school need me power nap these days xx

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