Here are the two week wait symptoms I had, prior to my
, I hope this gives you some hope.
8 DPO: Strong smelling urine, frequent urination, blocked nose.
9 DPO: Strong smelling urine, diarrhoea, blocked nose and dry mouth.
10 DPO: Mild period type cramps. I thought for sure I was out and AF was coming.
11 DPO: Lightheaded. Tested in the PM but left the test for hours before reading so couldn’t trust the slight pink line I saw.
12 DPO: Lightheaded, mild period cramps again, headache. Clearblue 1-2 weeks pregnant.
What we did differently this cycle:
I know when I ovulate so only tested with an OPK on the day of my expected peak, and then after that. I got a positive straight away and my surge lasted over 24 hours.
I haven’t tracked my BBT for months; I found all too often I was stressing about my temperatures.
We baby danced as and when we wanted it; not when the tests told us to.
We baby danced on CD9, CD10, CD11, CD14, CD15 and CD16. I got my peak ovulation test on CD14 and ovulated on CD15.
Stay strong and positive, I’m backing each of you and can’t wait for you to join me on this journey.