Rating Ovulation Test


Active Member
May 16, 2011
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Hi Everyone :) Hope All Is Well!
I Just Wanted Your Views On Ovulation Testing Kits, Iv Never Used Them Before And Just Wondered How You Rate Them? Are They Any Good? And Are They Worth Buying? I'v Been TTC Since November And No Luck So Far :( Just Wondering If Maybe Im Not Ovulating When I Think I Am... :thanks:
This is my second cycle of using them and i have to they are working for me. I was getting my OV day wrong before. I find it better than trying to check temp
Are there any you'd recommend? or are they all quite good? xx
I've only used the cheap one's you can buy on ebay. Considering how much you use them, i find it the cheapest way. Couldn't afford the digital ones. I bought 30 for £5
I might give it a shot then, got nothing to lose :) thanks chick xx
Im not a big fan of them.. I tryed them a couple of weeks ago, i never got a dark line! But im still waiting for my period 9 weeks today so dont tink i ov'd thats why they didnt work.. Alot of the girls on here have good reviews on them x
I never got a dark line on mine, I used the cheapies too.
I'm not going to bother next cycle. :)
Hi Newbee

I have used OPK's for two months now as i've been trying for 10 months now so wanted to give them a try. I find they do work and have really helped as I always thought I OV on day 14 but the last two months have shown that I OV on day 13. I do get a second dark line on the days I think I should so I would recommend you give them a try. I got mine from a seller from EBAY, I think it was 30 OV tests and 10 preg tests for £5.00 so even if they didn't work, you've not ended up spending too much. I think they came from Fertility Plan on Ebay.
Hi :wave:

I been trying since November officially so I know how you feel - I've used opk since feb and they are great for telling you exactly when you ov x

I used onestep ovulation kits cheapies on eBay x
As expensive as they are I've used clearblue digi but bought online. Trying first response ones at mo n not liking them at all
Hi Newbee,
I tried first response ones and I never got a line and i know I ovulated as I got my period. Although they do tell you to not drink for 2 hrs before using them and I couldnt do that. Love my cups of tea and fruit juice - so i think thats why they didnt work for me, give them a try - like you say youve got nothing to lose! Good luck! xx
i use the cheapies and they are spot on....yesterday no line at all....today, very dark line...along with pain in my side, so i know they have def pin pointed ov for me..

i used them when i got my bfp too...but sadly m/c

I've used cheapies 2 months now. Really clear line last month, nothing this month but no other signs either so think I'm having a duff month rather than ov sticks not working
Hi there! Just a question related to this thread. I'm on day 6 of my cycle, when should I start OV testing? I randomly used then on my last two cycles and gave up so I want to do it properly this month in the hope that I might get it right!!! I'm such a dope too as I have been testing first thing in the morning and when I read the instructions properly it said not to do that!! :wall2: cheers for the help girls x
this depends on how long your cycles are, if the say they are 28 then you will prob ov around day 14, so you can test around that time. It is best to also look at your cm - when this turns clear and lots of it it is an indication of ov - also if you take your temp each morn, when it dips and then raises afterwards is also an indication that you ovulated. The sticks working with these other two helps you to pinpoint. xxx
Thank you! My last cycle was 31 days but as it's only my 2nd one since coming off the pill in January I'm not sure how regular they are going to be. It took me 11 weeks to get my first one but the second one did come 31 days later so hoping that they will be regular now. I wish I knew how much the pill messed with your body, I would have stopped taking it ages ago. This waiting game is so frustrating! X
I'm currently using onestep cheapies that I got on ebay. Yesterday had faint line and today line nearly as dark as the test line. I'm on CD13 of normally 28 day cycle so proving fairly accurate.
I think I'm gonna give them a go, everyones mentioned ebay so I'm gonna have a look! Has anyone found they've actually helped them to get pregnant? And thanks to everyone that's replied!! I really appriciate everyones views :) xx

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