Your LO's favourite toys


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Hiya :wave:

What are your LO's favourite toys at the moment, or which toys do you find benefictial for them - and what's your LO's age? I am about to buy some more toys for LO (even though I try to keep them to a minimum) and it would be great to hear what other kids love.

My LO is nearly ten months and her favourite toys are:

- Brilliant Start Activity Table (for 1 - 3 years), has helped her to learn to cruise faster and bend down from standing (we left this in our holiday home, so maybe I could find something similar but slightly different for our home here) ... ity-table/
- Treasure Basket, a basket full of every day items, such as different brushes and cups, she has had this since she was able to sit unaided
- That's not my Fairy, That's not my Teddy etc. books
Tania is almost 1 & her favourite toys are her teddys mostly, any type of teddy she loves an kisses it to death!
she's always after my phone/house phone/ remotes, baby monitors, things in general she's not aloud lol :lol:
Toxic_Angels - my LO isn't too keen on her teddy's yet, apart from her musical puppy (but I think she likes it because of the noise it makes). I've been wondering when she will start getting attached to them. Maybe I am her teddy as we co-sleep and she cuddles up either next to be or partly on me :lol:
Mobile phones. she is crazy about them. she can be crying her head off but if she sees a phone she stops and goes and gets it. she has already sent text messages by mistake, saved numbers to the phone, and called the UK from Switzerland :rotfl:
newmum - :lol: My LO has just started pretending that everything is a phone, as she keeps putting objects next to her ear and babbles. It must be her dad who she's learnt it from - not me :fib: :rotfl:
My LO is 18 months old so slightly older.

Yesterday, she took a notion for teddies at the childminders and cuddled her teddy that's sat in her cot ignored since she was born (someone gave it to her) all night. She's had various comforters overnight (fleecy blankets with faces on, can't think of another way to describe them!) for a long time, but this is the first time she's shown interest in her teddies.

Books wise, she absolutely LOVES any book/illustration by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, her favourites are 'Each Peach Pear Plum', 'Peepo' and 'The Baby Catalogue' - she brings them to us and stands waiting expectantly. She loves lots of books, but these are her favourite.

Toys wise, at your LO's age, she LOVED her wheelybug (still does), her bricks trolley and her Vtech walker, anything that would help her become mobile. She loved/loves books too. Other things she loved at that age were her stacking cups, clacking along the floor while crawling with said bricks from bricks trolley and her toy mobile phone; but mostly pulling out books and DVDs from our shelving units!

At 18 months, she still loves her stacking cups, wooden shape sorters, play food and shop till and her wee table and chairs where she will sit at to draw with crayons, play with playdough or draw on her etchasketch. She also has a blackboard/easel with chalks which she loves.

Valentine Xxx
Evie is mad about books... she absolutely loves them and will always pick up the book out of a huge pile of toys :lol: :lol: She likes to sit on your lap and flick through the pages.

She also has a bright orange Teddy which she adores and kisses to within an inch of it's life. Her comforter is a little blanket with a bugs head on it from Mothercare and she won't sleep without it...and she won't go into nursery without it either.

She has tons of toys which she'll play with but books are most definitely her favourite :hug:
Rudys favouries are an ELC high chair toy shaped like a flower that spins and clicks. He also loves his BF necklace, fuzzy bee and friends book and ay leaflet there is- in fact they are his faves at the moment :lol:
socks :rotfl: hes got a thing about toes at the minute.

he has a noahs ark he loves.its a shapesorter and each animal has a different shape stuck to their bums and if you put the right animal in the right shaped slot on noahs ark then the right animal sound is made.he loves it. other than that stacking cups,books,megablocks bus,amazing animalstrain,leapster and his sister!
BabyMagic said:
newmum - :lol: My LO has just started pretending that everything is a phone, as she keeps putting objects next to her ear and babbles. It must be her dad who she's learnt it from - not me :fib: :rotfl:

It's SO cute when they do that! especially when they start saying 'hi' and it's just a spoon or something :)

Had to confiscate this toy today... she wanted to play on the computer :wall:

newmum said:
BabyMagic said:
newmum - :lol: My LO has just started pretending that everything is a phone, as she keeps putting objects next to her ear and babbles. It must be her dad who she's learnt it from - not me :fib: :rotfl:

It's SO cute when they do that! especially when they start saying 'hi' and it's just a spoon or something :)

Had to confiscate this toy today... she wanted to play on the computer :wall:

:lol: that is hilarious. Naughty but clever!
Now hes up and about hes not that interested in toys, just other people and causing havoc! Hes got a tea set that his nanny brought him and he loves it :roll: big girl! he sits there for ours banging the plastic cutlery in the cups :lol:

He loves absolutely anything to do with in the night garden

Before he could crawl the best toy ever was his ride-in walker he was a complete nutter in it!

The house looks like toys 'r' us he has millions to choose from.
We don't even have stacking cups yet :oops: . That will go to my shopping list - together with some more instruments (even though they say 3 years onwards). We do have wooden blocks though which LO loves banging. She giggles when I stack them up and she pushes them down.

I don't know why LO isn't too keen on walkers yet. She loves walking but just wants to do with me (and I have discovered muscles in my lower back which I never knew existed :lol: ).

Newmum - you have a clever little girl indeed :rotfl:
BabyMagic said:
Newmum - you have a clever little girl indeed :rotfl:

A very naughty little girl! She did this after I told her she wasn't allowed to watch Alexandra Burke winning X Factor any more... she loves the song and copying her crying :roll:
Talking Makka Pakka teddy that my gran got her for Christmas. She loves it so much, never fails to get a smile out of her, even if she is crying.
Glenn LOVES his little Dyson! his bubble car and he loves books and Iggle Piggle, he has one in bed (stays there too,he wont have him downstairs) then he also has the one that dances and sings but he wont be without monkey-moo, he cuddles him when he gets upset....awwww!

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