What are your LO's favourite toys at the moment, or which toys do you find benefictial for them - and what's your LO's age? I am about to buy some more toys for LO (even though I try to keep them to a minimum) and it would be great to hear what other kids love.
My LO is nearly ten months and her favourite toys are:
- Brilliant Start Activity Table (for 1 - 3 years), has helped her to learn to cruise faster and bend down from standing (we left this in our holiday home, so maybe I could find something similar but slightly different for our home here)
http://www.elc.co.uk/toy/brilliant-star ... ity-table/
- Treasure Basket, a basket full of every day items, such as different brushes and cups, she has had this since she was able to sit unaided
- That's not my Fairy, That's not my Teddy etc. books

What are your LO's favourite toys at the moment, or which toys do you find benefictial for them - and what's your LO's age? I am about to buy some more toys for LO (even though I try to keep them to a minimum) and it would be great to hear what other kids love.
My LO is nearly ten months and her favourite toys are:
- Brilliant Start Activity Table (for 1 - 3 years), has helped her to learn to cruise faster and bend down from standing (we left this in our holiday home, so maybe I could find something similar but slightly different for our home here)
http://www.elc.co.uk/toy/brilliant-star ... ity-table/
- Treasure Basket, a basket full of every day items, such as different brushes and cups, she has had this since she was able to sit unaided
- That's not my Fairy, That's not my Teddy etc. books