Your life will never be the same. . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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I didn't believe this at all after I had Trey. I knew I had to make adjustments to fit him in, but he's such a calm and chilled baby that he makes being a mummy so easy and apart from sleep deprivation I've been ok.

Until today.

I popped into my office to show him off and got the latest gossip and projects and it just hit me that when I go back I'm not going to put all my body and soul into it as its not my "be all and end all". I'll never be able to go out for spontaneous drinks after work and I'll never be able to go to any of our other locations in the UK without extreme pre planning. It upset me a tiny bit until I got home and got back into our routine, I wouldn't change it for the world.

What was your moment when you realised your old life was over?

When I met work colleagues for a lunch they had organised to meet O. Towards the end they were all talking about where to go to after the meal, where there were men, where there was cheap booze.
I bundled my wee man into the car while they all stood around waiting on taxis & we happily went home to snuggle on the sofa.
I don't miss it, it was boring to me that day just listening to it.
There are aspects of my old life that I miss but they're silly wee things (reading a book for a few hours at night, unbroken sleep, last minute holidays to name a few) but they're things I can do again when he's a wee bit older. They'll always be there, O won't always be this size. :)
God my work will have a heart attack when I go back soon! They're not getting Caroline back, they're getting Mummy and Mummy doesn't give a flying monkeys!!!

For me it was when one of my mates was talking about another friend of ours, basically going on about the mess she's made of her life blah blah blah. I just turned round and said 'I don't care, just let her get on with it! Now lets talk about something positive!' My mate was just like WTF??!!!

I do miss parts of my old life - mainly being able to do things at the drop of a hat and not have to consult my OH before spending my money. But I see my wee man's wee cheeky smile and wouldn't change it for the world!
BB that's pretty much when I realised it. No more spontaneous drinks, meals etc after work. Even if hubby will look after E I know ill just want I get home and see her.
God I don't want to go back to work. I want to win the lottery and be a stay at home mum!
I do triathlons and have recently started my training again. We have to have meticulous planning as to what time each of us gets to do what training & when so we can fit everything in. I fed Ella this morning at 5:30 so went out for a run afterwards so that oh can get to work on time. Everything needs to be planned around breastfeeding & who's looking after the baby. I can't just decide I fancy a run & go.
When i got pregnant my old life was over x
Have to say, I agree with work aren't getting Chezza back - they are getting a Chezza/mummy hybrid, whose priorities have changed considerably. Whilst I will continue to do a good job (as I do love my job), I wont be going in early / staying late / doing additional work from home, as I have done in the past - at least not until LO settles down considerably and I am able to do so without it affecting him in any way.

I think I realised my life had changed when I saw that people saw ME differently. Not getting invited out to birthday dinners etc, because people assumed I wouldn't go. How do they know if they wont ask?

For a couple of weeks I felt like I had lost my identity and that I wasn't Chezza anymore...I was "mummy". Now I realise I am both Chezza AND mummy and I have room for both in my life...I just hope my friends realise some day soon that life doesn't stop when you have LO's...xx
Yeh I think wen we went to evenin wedding Fri I spent night holding Ben feedin and changing n chatting but didn't get near the disco or buffet was not the same but I wudnt change him for world x
I have been back at work for a year and they honestly thought they would get 'me' back and threw me in at the deep end covering a manager on my first day back. I've had to explain to them many times now that when I walk out the door I do not think of plan/stats and problems, I think of what we're going to paint or what park we're visiting on my days off
They are now getting that I just don't give a flying fig about anything that is not my day to day normal job. Even then I only care 3 days a week!! Lol
For me it was when I was pregnant and I stopped going on nights out with my girlies. Seeing their Facebook statuses and photos made me realise that my party days where over. They think once H is a little older ill be up for nights out again. Little do they know that I'd rather have snuggles with my little man and an early night. :)

I think most of the changes for me have been logistical... I still go to the gym, go out on dates with hubby, see my friends etc etc but I have to make sure it all fits in with someone looking after lo.

Tbh though, my biggest change will be when I don't go back to work and become a sahm.
I'm a bit like Diane... I still do what I used to do but it has to be well planned and fit in with James.

Life changed for me when I fell pregnant for the first time I think. As I went to to miscarry (and then lose another two babies) so life was all about TTC, attending recurrent miscarriage clinic and trying for our sticky bean.

I don't regret it but am a little sad when I think how consumed I was by it all

Thanks for all your responses!

I agree with all of you, I also used to get in early, work late and go above my work duties that I know I just won't do that anymore.

I was a bit of a party animal too so was always out with friends and oh drinking in a bar/club which I was happy to give up when we were ttc but now I really miss them.

My oh went away for a stag weekend up north a week ago and I was so jealous of him. Not because i wanted to go but because I knew he would have a break and be able to switch off and really have a good time, it's going to be a long time until I will be able to do that.

I also agree about friends assuming things, a lot of my friends have gone off the radar and I miss them. Its a shame they think we can't be friends just because I'm not getting wasted every week , what's so wrong with lunch? lol

I knew it right away, and think I just kinda accepted it but it wasn't untill my birthday this year that it really hit me.
Usually I would be organising a big piss up, sorting getting my hair & nails done etc but this birthday me, oh & Harry went to a massive soft play centre then came home and my 2 brothers, sil & mum came up when harry went to bed and we ordered dominos. When a friend was texting me that night and asked if I'd had a good day and I realised it was genuinely the best birthday id had. Just spending time with my beautiful boy was the best present of all :) xxx
My life was never gonna be the same from the time i was pregnant. I emigrated to Spain at 8 weeks, left work, a career in horses. I was a uber gym bunny, and super fit. Now i am a flabby SAHM to twins, in a foreign country and i touched a horse at the weekend for the first time in nearly a year! Never thought in a million years life could change so dramatically.
I basically spent most of last year in work carrying my department - not sounding big headed here, they redeployed everyone and I was the only one out of five who knew how to do 75% of the work. I trained everyone, did so many early starts and late finishes and basically got the p*** taken out of me! I went in a few weeks ago and they all said they couldn't wait for me to come back cos they didn't know how to do xy and z. I was like 'what have you been doing for the last six months?!'. I just don't care any more. All I care about is my two boys - dad and lad!
I miss the little things like a day just chilling in bed watching dvds and lots of sex, but cant do that anymore!! I want just one day to be selfish and lazy and sleep in. x
My moment was the other day. Work asked me to do overtime, unused to jump at the chance and I turned it down without thinking cos I wanted to get home for Aaron going to bed


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