your honest opinion on labour and what it's like

I'm somewhere in the middle, but closer to the second option I think!

I had a really positive labour- I got to 10cm thinking "when it gets unbearable, I'll ask for pain relief" I was pushing before this happened! The pain becomes very intense to the point that you will not be able to talk and you will probably not be able to stop yourself making some kind of noise! I made low, moaning sounds.

I was very worried that I wouldn't cope when in labour, as I am utterly pathetic when I'm ill or in pain. I spoke to my mum and sister and their positive experiences calmed me, but also my mum said "Labour pain is there for a reason- go with it - relax, don't try to fight it and it will do what it's meant to do" She was right!

Labour is a pain that you can cope with- it comes and goes for one thing so you get welcome respite between contractions. At the point of pushing baby out, I don't remember being in agonising pain or anything I just knew I had a job to do so when I felt the contractions I pushed like there was no tomorrow (pushing is exactly like getting a massive poo out! :rotfl:) I gave birth to Kathryn, head, shoulders, body and legs in the same push!

My advice to you is to move around as you labour and find the position that YOU naturally want to be in to get baby out. I HAD to be kneeling up with my arms resting on the side of the bed. Once I was fully dilated and baby was low in my pelvis- I couldn't move from this position- not even to use the toilet! :oops:

Most women use gas and air at some point in their labour but I am sure many use it wrong. Instead of waiting until you can definately feel a contraction to start sucking away- start as soon as you feel the first little twinge- take four big breaths and this will give the G&A time to get into your system by the time the contraction peaks. If you wait the contraction will have peaked before you have any G&A in you and it will be pretty useless. My sister passed on this little gem to me and my god, was I thankful! G&A works brilliantly!

You have to believe that you are strong enough to get through the labour process but do not put pressure on yourself by saying you will not have this or that form of pain relief- be open to all that's on offer but make sure you really need it before asking- then you know there is always another option if the pain becomes too much again.

Good luck hun- you will be fine :hug:
it's the most painful experience you'll ever have, but it's absolutely facinating :D

i was in the middle also, i used to have anxiety attacks too and worried i would panic during labour, but i was fine, you forget about EVERYTHING else, all that's in your mind is getting through this pain and meeting your baby :hug:

also, the g&a made me verrry drunk :wall:
dannii87 said:
Encouragement is priceless during labour.. xx

that is SO true. i was ready to give up at the end coz i thought it was impossible and i was too rubbish to do it. only after my boyf told me i already was doing it gave me the motivation to get her out!

dannii87 said:
jazzmum2be said:
I no this isnt my thread. but just wondering quickly. do you poo yourslef in literally?
I did sooooo many poos in labour! :roll: I didn't give a sh*t though! The pain kind of took priority! You lose SO much dignity in labour it's unbelievable! x
this is true too! :lol:

sarafet said:
it's the most painful experience you'll ever have, but it's absolutely facinating :D

TOTALLY agree! think thats why im reading this thread when iv already answered it!
it's the most painful experience you'll ever have

Root canal surgery hurt more, as did being run over by a Liverpudlian taxi. I wouldn't recommend getting run over though just so that you can say there is something out there more painful than giving birth :?

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