your honest opinion on labour and what it's like

I was calmly hysterical!!! :rotfl:
No seriously! I couldnt cope very well with the pain and it hurt hurt hurt BUT I wasnt screaming or anything !! I just shouted and swore alot! I was just so angry hahahaha this time Im having an spi I want to drink tea and eat buscuits lol!
"Oh whats that? I can push?" SQUEEZE pop "oh there she is!" lmao! :rotfl: Yep I think I have lost my mind! :think:
I was calm and focused. Certainly not stressed or anxious or anything like that. And not screaming or fussing. I did have the weepy minute during transistion (I'd just thrown up and gotten cross with my husband for something) but that passed very quickly. Its quite normal at that point to get teary and so on.

I had a homebirth so its a very different experience to a hospital birth. I don't think you can compare them tbh. I found it very soothing and peaceful at home. And had a MW all to myself so never had to worry about her disappearing or labouring on my own or OH being sent home etc. Made all the difference I think.

I was never worried, my BP was steady throughout and baby's heartbeat was also. I was calm and relaxed and managed on minimal pain relief. I never felt I needed anything stronger tbh. It certainly was never unbearable that I'd wanted IV drugs or anything or wished I was in hospital so I could have them. I just breathed the contractions through and concentrated on them rather than the pain. Thinking about pain always makes it worse.

If I have another baby I'd do a few things differently. I'd not bother with the TENS machine in first stage labour. Only for latent labour if I have it. And I'd get in the pool sooner and try to actually deliver in there also. Other than that, I'd not change a thing.

My suggestions would be labour at home as long as possible. Losing your plug, having a show, unless there is a real reason, don't rush to hospital. Stay at home as long as possible and work with your body not against it. Don't fight the contractions or tense up. Breathe through them and try to relax as you do so.

'd suggest using a birthpool if you can. Great relaxation and pain reliever. Also takes the pressure of your body in there. And keep mobile for as long as possible. Being on your back half sitting etc is the worst position to give birth in as it puts pressure on your coccyx and makes it harder for baby to descend. I found walking round was great. Working with gravity. Also I stood and squatted for the big push and it was over in 34 minutes. Stood between contractions and then squatted down for them.

Birth story in sig if you want to read it.

FWIW I'd suggest having a read of some birth stories if you want to get an idea of peoples experiences.
In between. Had practically no pain relief up until 7cms. Had pethidine when I first entered the hospital and had a failed epidural. I screamed but it was more of a panicky scream because the M/W didn't seem to be interested, or want to help me. I think she thought I was lying about the epidural because I didn't get offered G&A until the next midwife came on shift so that was about 7 and a half hours of no pain relief. As soon as I got the G&A I was fine..calm as anything.

For me, I think labour was the hardest, most painful thing I've ever done. I wasn't supported as I should have been at OH didn't really know what to do, he just sat there looking lost not really offering help and my Mum just said 'This is what you wanted, so deal with it.' But as soon as the M/W and the student who delivered my baby came on shift I felt 100% better, they kept me updated on everything, how dialated I was, when I was to start pushing and held my hand through contractions when my OH went out of the room. I had confidence in them and that was obviously what I needed.
I am one of the most anxious, panicking people I know (have been on drugs for years for anxiety and panic attacks).

However, after a hypnobirthing course and psychotherapy (to help me through pregnancy without medication) I can say I was the epitome of calm during my labour. I did not scream, shout or swear once. My contractions were painful, but it is such a different pain. I could breathe through them as I knew they only lasted for a minute and then I would get a break and each contraction was a step nearer to the birth. There was much happiness and excitement throughout my established labour. I remember laughing and joking most of the time (gas and air helped!!). I was excited, but not scared.
I did have an epidural eventually. Not because of the pain, but because they were going to give me a drip to increase the contractions - I had heard it was painful, so I got an epi in case I couldn't cope. (Epidural was a doddle too, went in quite easily and pain free).

Pushing was hard work, but not painful for me (as I had an epidural). The only noise I made was when I exhaled after holding my breath for a push, not much of a noise really.

I was terrified of labour, but I can honestly sayI would do it 100 times. Mine was great.
I'll be honest, I was a screaming mess!
I was IV induced from the off due to PROM at 35+6 weeks. But I held out for an epidural so wouldn't consider myself begging for it, as I went 14 hours with only gas and air (which is great btw!) and pethidene (which is awful) on an IV inducement.
I felt like I had failed by having an epidural so I held out for as long as I could, which was stupid.
My labour was not good. I remember saying I was never doing it again! Dan would be an only child :lol: But hey, I am now TTC! TBH though I have a low pain threshold! I'm hoping 'normal' labour will not be as bad. That's what I'm telling myself anyway! :lol:
Happybunny said:
I did have an epidural eventually. Not because of the pain, but because they were going to give me a drip to increase the contractions - I had heard it was painful, so I got an epi in case I couldn't cope.

That's so what I should have done! :hug:
hated it, never doin it again unless its planned c section :talkhand:

find me a nice bloke and Ill contemplate poppin another one out haha :think: :lol:
I started out really calm and got to 8cm at home on just paracetamol and a long bath. I was actually quite surprised that I was 8cm when I got to the hospital as I was coping a lot better than I thought I would with the pain. Then I changed to the swearing, crying mess when four hours later I was no further forward (especially as one of the midwives had said I would have had him within a couple of hours of getting to the hospital. At this point I was begging to go home or have an epidural. After another three hours I got my epidural and returned to a zen like state just in time for my c section due to lack of progress.

The way I feel right now, I wouldn't do it again but I think that is a mixture of the baby blues and the fact that I have a very whingy, screaming baby who just won't settle. I loved the epidural and felt fantastic after I'd had it, I would have liked to be able to deliver naturally but it obviously wasn't meant to be.

Clairey, you'll do just fine :hug: :hug:
Suzie and Faith said:

yeh it hurt - as you might expect it to but i didn't make a noise (i swore quietly once (and then apologised)) other than that i was quiet but it wasn't a calm zen like experience either!

i can remember going to say "sh*t this hurts" and saying "sugar instead because my mum was there :rotfl:
Accordig to my OH i did not scream or show I was in pain until the contractions were back to back when I said, i think i need to have an epidural calmly he said are you sure I said yes I can't take the pain anymore. i think I was also getting more pissed off then anything that it was going so loody slow and so early dialation meant alot more pain from early on...

I dunno maybe i fall into the middle of both, i tried to stay calm but didnt scream or shout etc...

I DID however feel fed up/stressed out the whole process was taking so long lol! Im so impatient and just thought grrrr just wanna meet the little dude so my advice above anything is dont be like me, be patient lmao!! :rotfl:
I no this isnt my thread. but just wondering quickly. do you poo yourslef in literally?
I got a drip to lengthen my contractions at the end, they were fast, extremely strong, and short but I needed them slow and long to dilate properly.... I tried to tell the mw no until they actually gave me something to stop the pain... but all I managed was... "no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no...".... so that was a lot of good :roll: ... My labour was pretty awful tbh. I wanted a lovely home birth, they don't offer it here.... I wanted a water birth... no birthing pool just a bath.... I wanted an epi, no anaesthetist available...wanted G&A they don't have G&A in Spain.... can't have hmmmm... :think: there was screaming... and oh yer.... screaming.! :rotfl: :rotfl: I explained this to Tia the other day what labour was like (she did ask)... I'm hoping to have put her off sex for life :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
jazzmum2be said:
I no this isnt my thread. but just wondering quickly. do you poo yourslef in literally?

I did, but didn't realise until afterwards. My OH was right next to m the whole time and didn't know I had until I told him! The midwives expect it, are used to it and are very discreet so really don't worry about it :hug:

My midwfe told me it's a good sign if you do because it shows you're pushing right!
Having had a long and short one, I have to say labour isn't that bad as long as it stays natural, but that's just my experience, I ofund labour hard going when I was injected with things. All I would say is breathing is key, and listen to your body, do what makes you comfortable :hug: :hug: :hug:
If I'm completely honest, I'm still a bit traumatised by my labour :oops: I feel like I had 2 labours... (I was induced don't forget)...

The first part started with contractions about 5 minutes apart, then they gradually became more like 2-3 mins apart and I was breathing through the pain (the pain was pretty bad), but I felt in control and calm and just breathed through it focusing on nothing else other than the contraction...

Then I got to hospital and Evie moved round to back-to-back. It was horrible and the pain suddenly changed.

I never screamed or anything, but I did sob quietly when the epi kicked in but I could still feel the friggin pain (after hearing that it numbs you completely :evil: I was really angry with my body for yet again, letting me down).

A few times during the later stages of labour, I would just turn to my Mum & MW with tears rolling down my cheeks, and I'd quietly say "I don't think I can do this..." and they'd stroke my face and tell me I CAN do it and I AM doing it.. :cheer:

Encouragement is priceless during labour.. xx
jazzmum2be said:
I no this isnt my thread. but just wondering quickly. do you poo yourslef in literally?
I did sooooo many poos in labour! :roll: I didn't give a shit though! The pain kind of took priority! You lose SO much dignity in labour it's unbelievable! x
I think I fell in the middle of the 2 categories, I had a horrible labour though with 6 hours of pushing and over 100 stitches cos Jess decided to be a little madam, I can honestly say that although my labour went nowhere near my plan and it went on for sooo long, as soon as I saw Jess it was all completely worth it and I didn't care about anything else, we were plannng number 2 within a couple of days! The only advice I have is listen to your body and midwives...they'll get you through no matter what type of labour you have! And...... I didn't poo!! :dance: Probably the only good thing about my labour! I had a big clear out before but I was still convinced I must have done, I told my OH to stop lying to me and tell me the truth, lol.
jazzmum2be said:
I no this isnt my thread. but just wondering quickly. do you poo yourslef in literally?

:rotfl: nope but it did feel like i was!
I'm in-between the two. I screamed, begging for pain relief. Didn't have anything that worked. But it really was amazing. I went into a state of panic but because everything happened so quickly. I'd do it ten times over!

Oh, and even though i thought i was crapping myself, i didn't.

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