what was ur favourite age and why

30 - I had a massive party for my 30th birthday and dozens and dozens of friends came to it. I was comfortable with how I looked - not as thin as when I was 18 but certainly I was good-looking and slim. I had just bought my horse and was having a fab time. I had my first night-time championship performance on him and will never forget galloping flat out under a spotlight to Bat out of Hell with a crowd cheering us on! I had the most fabulous job as an airline pilot and was partying in places like Nassau, Rome and Nairobi, seeing the sights and having a ball. My husband set up his own business and it went well. Best of all I had a confidence that is very rare if you are younger. I think next year will be even better than my 30th (I'll be 35.) This year has been great, but difficult and hard work with it - I had a baby, renovated a 450 year old cottage and set up a business of my own. Next year I will be able to sit back a bit and enjoy all of this year's hard work.
Suppose it's my 30's . . In reality think I was very unsettled in my 20's but I did have a ball, look back on it now with rose coloured glasses.
my fave age was 17, don't know why, guess carefree lifestyle.

I love now (24) cos my gorgeous baby boy makes my life amazing.

I do worry about getting older though, just cos I'm terrified. I'm hoping i can get rid of that fear considering there is nothing i can do about it :lol:
Probably about 3-6 for me. :D

No worries, no cares, the world revolved around me, everyday was an adventure, school was just playtime and I still believed in Santa

:cheer: :cheer:
I think for me it was 19, went out all the time, working as well as studying, could buy whatever I wanted, lived rent free at my parents house......brilliant!!

Closely followed by now (27).....just about making ends meet, working hard, but with a beautiful daughter & an amazing hubby who make me smile everyday (even when i don't want to :lol: )...everything we have we have earned, and I mean blood, sweat & tears, I wouldn't change it for the world!!
My age now is my faveorite age because i can't remember ever being happier

I've got a beautiful daughter, an amazing boyfriend, my own home, a good job, all my family and friends are healthy :D
I think 17 becuase I lived at home, had no real worries, a tight group of frieds and another whole year of it before moving away to uni :D
Also 20 when I was in last year of uni and lived in a lovely house with my 3 best mates, and had also just started seeing OH. :D
budge said:
Happybunny said:
all of my 20s I think. Although I had to work, I did a job I loved, married a man I adored and we have had the best time ever, travelling, partying and doing all the things we wanted to do as teenagers but could never afford.

Our DINKY lifestyle is coming to an end now as I prepare to become a SAHM, but I am just as excited about my 30s :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

i love being in my 30's. i had a big party when i was 30!! i am happier than ever in my 30's than i have ever been :)

Me too :D

When I was about 27, one of my best mates turned 30 and I still thought it was "old", was dreading approaching 30, and I asked her how it felt. She said "It feels great - I know who I am and what I want, I feel like a woman and not a girl, im responsible enough to have a great time without there being negative consequences, and I'm at my sexual peak!"

I looked forward to 30 after that, and now at 32 I couldnt agree more with her :lol:
i wish i was 18 again, didnt have nothing to worry about and got everything done for me
14-15 (until i got pregnant at 15 that is)I was footloose and fancy free,I had an amazing combination of amamzing friends,boyfriend & aquaintances,and I just realised I could get into the local pub.
The summer I was 15 will go down in history as the best summer I've ever had.For many reasons.It was the swansong of my youth (weep).I'm eternally grateful I had such an amazing time before the responsibilities of mother hood fell upon me
I havent found my fav age yet - I have so many good years to grab hold of yet, Il let you know when i find my right age.
Definitely now (even though I turn 30 this weekend :shock: )

I have an absolutely wonderful daughter; a wonderful husband, a great house, nice job, health and I am very hapy :D

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