your early symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
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To those of you who are or have been pregnant...have any of you had symptoms within the first two weeks after conception? Or is that too early?

Basically I want to know what is the earliest some of you have had symptoms...before you took a test or the date you were expecting your next cycle to begin.

Im in an odd position... had the IUD removed last week but have had unprotected sex with hubby regularly before it was removed, as well as after it was removed. I know its early days, but all I can say is that I feel different. Have any of you had this feeling? Maybe its all psychological...the mere fact that my mind and heart wants a baby has changed me in some way?

I am trying to get out of the habit of wondering if the outburst of whiteheads on my face which I never normally have (yes attractive, I know!) is a symptom. Furthermore, I swear my breasts have increased in size. I know that these are more likely to be hormonally related than pregnancy related, as its extremely early days for me...but I just can't help but wonder!

So this is why I ask the above question to you really...its just interesting to know what all of you have been or are going through in the early days (and it will most likely help me to stop becoming a pregnancy hypochondriac! ha ha!) :)
I realised that I might be preggie after having VERY VERY sore boobs for about 2 weeks, having chronic constipation, a really funny taste in my mouth and I couldnt face eating chicken(???), when checked my dates realised that I had gone nearly 6 wks so did test and lo and behold. I had been TTC for 8 months and was getting more and more disappointed then decided to just stop looking for signs and relax, it worked for me. :dance:


I got my first symptoms at 6-7dpo. They were basically mild af-type cramps/aches.
Boobs felt fuller from 10dpo (when I got my first BFP).

Once implantation starts (around 6dpo), you can get symptoms because that's when the hCG can be secreted into your bloodstream from the implanting embryo.


Alot of girls on here have had very early symptoms, good luck
I honestly had symptons the day after I ovulated! I felt dizzy and sick. After 2 days I had to stop wearing perfume because it gave me a headache. By 4DPO I had blue veins everywhere and looked in the mirror and thought "I'm pregnant". I told my friend I was sure I was pregnant and she told me its way too early but I was. I have alys been effected by hormones, the pill doesn't agree with me, I get terrible PMT from ovulation until my period, had terrible sickness until 4 months, developed OC which they think may be caused by hormones. obviously if you are preggers I hope you don't get my symptons!

Good luck, I reckon if you have a gut feeling you probably are :wink:
i too have been having symptoms from about 5dpo. tested this morning but bfn maybe still too early as i'm 10dpo so i'll wait a few days. heres my symptons:-

10dpo - feel a little sick, sore head, bad cramps and sore nipples
9dpo - cramps, sore nipples and a weird dream and ate loads!!
8dpo - as above

basically from 5dpo i've had most of the above!! af due at weekend and i never get cramps until she actually arrives - so you never no :D
Good luck to those of you who are tcc!

I had a browse at the old posts on this subject and one struck a chord with me...someone wrote about IPS...imaginary pregnancy symptoms! I have to be so careful not to get into the way of thinking that every niggle and twitch = successful conception. :wall:

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