Your earliest pregnancy symtoms

I've been getting sharp twinges low and to the right of my abdomen on and off today. I'm hoping this is implantation. FX. Thats my TWW story so far. Good luck with your BFP!! Oh I'm also extremely jealous - hearing about people I know who are pregnant. I'm happy for them - but i just can't talk about it.

leelee could you describe these? I just wrote something similar in the 2ww thread and said I couldn't really find it in the symptom checker cos it's not really like pulling or stabbing pains, and twinges aren't really accurate enough!!
What I'm feeling seems like I'm yanking tiny little muscles every now and then, even when I'm sitting still. It's all over, right of my abdomen, middle of my pelvis, and on my lady bits!!
Would be good to know I'm not the only one!!
Well I tested this morning and BFN. Af due tomorrow but no symptoms of that as of yet. Since I came off the pill I get really bad PMS - swollen achey boobs, killer cramps, migranes, - but none of that. FX she stays away! anyhoo work beckons.
I only had some pink discharge when I wiped at 7DPO. Then when I got a positive test at 8DPO I suddenly felt sick and got really bloated. My boobs didn't even hurt until I was 6 weeks pregnant x x
Oh no!!!! Just went to the bathroom and got a slight AF gush. Could this be implantation bleeding? I'm doubtful. twas pale in colour - not murderous red, but not pinky as other people have been describing. Also I'm around 11 or 12 DPO. Is this too late to get implantation bleeding? Really disappointed!!! GRRRRRRRRR!
My only early symptoms were that my boobs got bigger (I didn't notice, OH did! lol) and I completely went off sex (last the whole pregnancy! Boo). That was it! My nausea didn't kick in until I was 7 weeks gone and even that was only nausea, no actual sickness.

Good luck for your BFP's ladies! :) x
Ok I'm supposedly 7 DPO...
My headache has still not gone, drank 3 litres of water yesterday and plenty today and it’s still there!!! Only today have I had slight discomfort in my breasts but all these symptoms might not indicate PG because I’m off coffee so the headaches might be that and if my period is due soon that might explain the breast pain. What really got my hopes up last night was that I had the strangest pulling sensation in my uterus last night whilst in bed. I have never experienced it before. It wasn’t painful, just a pulling feeling deep inside. Has anyone had this?

Thanks for sharing Claire :) My breats have balloned. My mum commented on them and joked if I was pregnant - that's why I'm now obsessive and secretly excited if I was.
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It was AF. I'm out for this month. Really gutted. Will be buying CB digi OPK's. Also heard that oil of evening primrose and royal jelly capsules are good. - they help improve egg quality or something. I will be spending another month avoiding pregnant women!!
hi every one im pretty much in the same boat and really confused. i came off my pill onth e 9th of september still had no af, i had a period on 24th august and before going onthe pill i was always a 28 day cycle.ive got no real signs apart from feeling very bloated had the odd twinge in my stomach and been off my food. i dont have sore boobs or anything like that but for the past 2 days ive had cramp as tho i was going to get af but still nothing. im not sure if i would go by my last period or if i would start from when i took my last pill. wheni fell pregnant with my son i got cramp as tho af was coming then my boobs started to hurt and the same wheni was pregnant with my babies i miscarried. plus the metal taste in my mouth, i also got diarrhoea before testing positive with 2 of my pregnancies xx
HI Everyone, I am really REALLY new to all this and I apologise for asking silly questions and I also apologise for not understanding all the abreviations!! ??!!

On the day that my husband I decided to try for a baby (unprotected sex) I new I was ovulating and since our few days of fun in the bedroom when I've been fertile I've been convinced I'm pregnant. I am so aware of sensations in my body, I have utterly convinced myself Im pregnant and cant think about one thing else! It's driving me quite insane! My period is not due until October 6th!!!
I have been scanning the internet for early pregnancy signs. I have this weird feeling in my ovary/womb (?) area kind of like mild premenstrual twinges, sort of like a full/bloated feeling. No unusual tiredness, or nausea (maybe a feeling of no apetite sometimes) I'm being so vague. I am convincing myself so much that Im actually frightened I have a phantom pregnancy!!!

How on earth do people bear the waiting game??!!

I hope to chat to you all and gain some useful information in the exciting few months ahead!
Lol welcome to the horrid 2ww!!! It's so hard to not symptom spot!! Roll on testing day. Same day as me!
Fingers crossed hunnyxx
Hey Babybo, I felt I was being silly and the only person in the world wondering/wishing - but there you are too!! .......Now to keep busy for a couple of weeks!! Huge Good Luck wishes to you too xx
Aww ta sweetie! The 2ww is just a horrific two weeks sat on a roller coaster! X
Nope you are definitely not the only one K80!!! You should follow a 2WW thread, gets loads of advice and support there. I've had similar symptoms to you but when I've tested I've got a negative on Saturday and Monday. I’m 2 days late and when I tested Monday evening and yesterday a second line appeared but then disappeared so technically that is still a negative…!!! xxx
With pregnancy number one I had a really weird gurgling sensation in my tummy very early on. I also had a paid in my right ovary around time I would have been ovulating. Both symptoms were so odd I mentioned them to my OH (we were using condoms at the time)

I had a M/c with that pregnancy but during one of my scans it was confirmed that the egg had indeed been from my right ovary.
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Hi ladies, I searched the forum and found something similar but it was dated 2010!!! Does anyone want to share their symtoms? I know some of you are in the 2WW but even if you could share your experience from previous pregnancies that would be great too :)

hey I am in the same page... i m having a lot of symptoms
ie. 1 week prior to period ti have cramps and back pain
little nausea also and some headache..
I don't know but gut feeling I m pregnant

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