Very earliest pregnancy symptoms?

loola really hope this is your month xxxxxx
thank you everyone :hug: I really cant tell if this is it or whether they are all in my head! Im having heartburn again, and I need the loo often today, but then Ive drunk loads so I would! I havent really had any cramps today, but the tops of my legs in the groin area ache a little.
I always get sore boobs before AF but they are sore underneath and down the sides, at the moment they are sore in the middle, not the nipple really, they hurt when brushed against or squashed slightly. I guess Im just going to have to be patient!
I felt nauseous in the evenings and had too eat breakfast, where are normaly I can leave it.

I was a week late before I tested as I had only realised at that point I hadn't had a period :lol:
Tons and tons of EWCM before AF was due - was a big sign and after AF was due, my bbs have been soooo painful!

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