Your 9-10- month old and how much water?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Charlotte is now having a bottle in the morning and one at night as well as her 3 meals a day. I always offer her water at meal times and through out the day and she has a few sips, the odd time a bit more but doesn't drink much at all really apart from her bottles of milk. How much does your LO drink and do i need to worry? She has wet and dirty nappies so i wasn't too concerned.

Thanks :)
Alex doesn't drink any water at all actually. If he wants a drink he grabs my boob lol
James loves his water more than his milk to be honest and does a whole bottle 9/10oz through out the day, this is along side his 2/3 7oz milk bottles and 3 meals.
I offer water with meals and keep one in the lounge and if shes thirsty she will give it to herslf.
Like fee's James, Ava likes her water more than Milk and has 10oz throughout the day, and sometimes has woken for water rather than milk xxxxxx
Ryan gets through about half a beaker with each meal, I just leave it there for him to have if he wants some and I assume they do the same at nursery as they do say he has juice with his meals. Half a beaker probly doesn't all go down him to be fair though, it'll be sprayed round the room and dribbled out onto his bib, but he gets some of it down..!
Maddison takes a few sips here and there but doesnt have much at all to be honest :hug:

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