Young mm to be!!!


Aug 16, 2015
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I'm only 19 and 2 months pregnant. I am so scared and worried about the next 9 months, plus the rest of my life now and it is stressing me out a lot. Even though I have a lot of support from my boyfriend and his family and some of my family, I can't help but stress and over think things. I keep getting told that stress isn't good during pregnancy but I don't know how to keep calm at the moment!
Hunny. Stay calm. I had my firdt child at 23 and even then i freaked the eff out. Even with the support from both families and partner. It is such a scary thing to go through then the after part of being responsible for a baby. I was scared and had no idea how to parent. Their were times money was short etc. But honestly parenting comes natural. And money worries and everything else just falls into place. And it works out if you let it. Im now 25 ill be 26 when i have my 2nd child. And im terrified. But im just taking a step every day to keep healthy and take everyday as it comes. You will be fine. Xxx
It's normal to stress out with your first no matter what your age, you will be fine hun, I had my first at 19, I'm now 40 and just had my 5th and last :D
Aww congrats on your pregnancy! Totally agree with everyone else- no matter how planned it is or how old you are there is a slight feeling of 'aaargh' when you get the BFP! I'm so excited about my pregnancy and can't wait to have the baby, but I definitely had a panic of not feeling ready, even though it was planned and the timing's perfect! Just accept lots of help from family and enjoy it- the lovely thing about being so young is that you will bounce back so quickly from it all, and your family will be queuing up to look after you and the baby. How lovely- enjoy it all!

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