You know you're in the third trimester when...

Your friend says in front of you to her partner "she can't get much bigger, she's massive" (at 33 weeks) gee, thanks pal!
When work colleagues are concerned if you run up the stairs or carry a tea tray in case you spontaneously go into labour in the office!

Perhaps I should go on maternity leave soon...
When you wake u freezing cold because you were so hot in the night you threw off all the covers.
When people constantly tell you that you look tired because they are too polite to say you look like shit!!
Tri hopping but oh the memories! XD

When you have to cross your legs and sit down before you cough, sneeze or laugh incase you let out a little wee!
When you find out where the nearest loo is as soon as you arrive somewhere
when travelling to work and you feel you have already done a days work by the time you reach your desk (and its not even 9am yet....)!!
When your husband/partner won't have a drink on the weekend for fear something will happen (sweet :) )
When your friends are suddenly afraid to be left alone with you in case you go into labour :lol:
When you finish having a wee, go to walk away to realise you need to go again..
When having a poo makes you wonder if you're actually in labour
when you attempt to cross your leg over the other when sitting and cant actually manage it........
When having a poo makes you wonder if you're actually in labour

The effort it takes to poo sometimes you wonder if youll even manage labour and pushing a whole baby out of your foof!!
U feel really happy because u thought u needed to pee and u actually did - a whole one and not just a pathetic trickle!

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