What are your fears as you near the end?

i have a new fear now, not making it to the hospital and having my baby on the loo :rofl: xx
i worried terribly about the pushing stage, (although that never happened!) and i worry so much i wont have my planned c-section and ended up with another emergency one!
lol toonlass - i think it sounds amazing! after 40hours of labour i'd love a quick home birth next time :D
i think what i worried about most was actually being in hospital - but i can honestly say, everything was wonderful, cos i got my daughter :cloud9:

katy - it's all natural hon, you will be a wonderful mummy, i think we all worry sweetie, it's part of being a mum :hug: xx
My biggest worry at the moment? Telling our parents that I'm pregnant. lol, they will be very happy, right after the shock!
I'm cacking myself coz the age gap of alice's two is the same between my son and my bump so now i'm wondering if the tiny gap between pregnancies had anything to do with her speedy delivery lol As soon as i get a twinge i will be off to hospital :rofl: xx
:rofl: I was thinking more clean, warm water that 'eau de toilette' !!

Yeah, I dunno why Alice never said her biggest fear was giving birth into the loo :lol:

At least it was quick :) xx
To be brutally honest with myself I'm scared silly of getting terrible baby blues like I did with Lily. I really went into myself when I had her and it took a good while for me to actually enjoy being a Mum, I just hope it doesn't happen again as I'm on my own now with a toddler and a newborn and I just can't afford for it to happen :(
At least you are aware of it now Em and maybe you'll be able to recognise if you're going that way before it gets bad :hug:
omg!! im 29 weeks and crapping myself!! just found out i hav a 95% chance of getting sectioned with my first!! :( scared is not the word!!!! xx
omg!! im 29 weeks and crapping myself!! just found out i hav a 95% chance of getting sectioned with my first!! :( scared is not the word!!!! xx

:hug: How come you have to have a section? xx
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omg!! im 29 weeks and crapping myself!! just found out i hav a 95% chance of getting sectioned with my first!! :( scared is not the word!!!! xx

:hug: How come you have to have a section? xx

hey! long story but ill give you the gist lol!! after my m/c i lost 5 litres of blood. i hav one of the rarest blood groups and rejected the transfusion. i was in hospital for a good while and hav been on iron since. my blood is still only 8 at the height and i dont seem to b absorbing the iron.

anyways in hosp last week it took two hours to get a vein because they keep collapsing because they been poked so much. eventually anaesthetist got one after loads of people tried . they left me black and blue :( but they reckon im too risky. if i lost blood i may not survive this time and if i went into natural labour at night time because im in a small hosp. there may not be anyone on that will get a vein...... sorry if overload of info there!! :roll: xx
oh and i also hav had endless uti's and kidney infections. plagued with thrush. blood pressure been up and down and may have pre eclampsia and have had morning sickness the whole time and i mean actual vomiting not just nausea!! pregnancy has been so good to me!! lol xx
:hug: Sounds like a nightmare, can see why they're recommending a section though. I can sympathise with the sickness as I've been signed off sick with hyperemesis since week 5. Managed to go back for about 5 weeks in the whole pregnancy. xx
nightmare is not the word. after a 14week m/c last year im just glad babys fine tbh but its wearing me down!! 30 weeks today woohooo!!! xxx
When I was pregnant, I was terrified of being induced. I wanted the least medical intervention possible. I ended up being induced, and I'd built it up in my mind to be a lot worse than it actually was!
When I was pregnant, I was terrified of being induced. I wanted the least medical intervention possible. I ended up being induced, and I'd built it up in my mind to be a lot worse than it actually was!

This is my main fear having to be induced. So it's nice to hear it's not that bad xx
I'm scared of needing a section - I have a low lying placenta but will find out in January if it's far enough away from my cervix.
I'm not sure if I'm scared of being induced but I would rather go into labour naturally xx

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