You know you're a mummy when...

Babylicious said:
you insist on cleaning your babys face with your own spit

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

the dreaded spit and hanky... I used to hate it as a child!
... You have to clean around your son's erection as it is covered in yellow poo :puke:

Oh it's a glamorous life!
- Sitting in the armchair covered in the majority of what your baby has eaten the entire day whilst he laughs at you is no longer a surprise!

- a muslin has become a fashion accessory.

- You know what a 'poo face' looks like!

- you don't think twice about feeling your breasts in public or anywhere really, to see which one is fullest!

- you walk upstairs and completely forget why you are there. To make matters worse, you never remember, not even later in the day!

- you can be halfway through a sentence and completely forget what you were going to say.

- names of mundane, everyday objects completely jump out of you head.

You make up stupid little songs and ditties to just about everything..

One of my favourites is when its time for James's bottle I sing

"boc boc boc boc..." to the tune of "I am a music man" - the bit when it goes "pia pia piano piano piano"!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:
when u flop into bed at 9pm totaly exhausted...but pre children u were heading out the door at 9pm for a night out on the town, :lol:
Squiglet said:

3)You walk around your local supermarket rocking your 6l jug of milk to sleep... (my friend did this.. ) :rotfl:

:rotfl: i rock everything i hold.

i bounce the laptop when its on me and sway from side to side non-stop!!

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