You know you're a mummy when...

you have no clue who is number 1 in the top 40 but you know all the words to balamory, me too, big cook little cook etc theme tues and you hum them all day
World politics can completely pass you by but you do know that Dora's best friend is called boots and without backpack and map they couldnt get through their amazing journeys :rotfl:

You know what sports candy is ( i cant be the only person subjected to the torture of lazy town!)
This is a great thread :)!! I found myself singing the iggle piggle song through town the other day LOL

you spend more on a pair of shoes for your child/ren than you spend on your own!!
Whilst brushing your teeth you -

Go round opening curtains and blinds

Collect a load of washing from various rooms

Make silly face at child while passing on the way to washing machine with said washing

Bring in the milk and paper

(I did this today!) :rotfl: :rotfl:

you could have one of your arms chopped off and still be able to eat, dress, fill a washing machine, make tea...etc.. :rotfl:
Kylie1007 said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
7: You have never inspected another persons poo until your a mummy :lol:
Deffo = poo becomes fascinating and you can have a whole conversation on your baby's poo habits with other mummy friends!
and text daddy in work to tell him lol
You choose yor new car not based on style and fashion but on the boot size for the pram the easy clean seats and if yor car seat will fit.

Non matching bras and pants are the way forward
Another one just occured to me as I was doing it -

You know the location of every squeaky floor board in your/LO's room and have mastered the complicated choreography required to enter and exit the room without disturbing your baba!


You start naming this little human being all sorts:

Daniel is also known as...

Boo boo
Little Monster

...and he's only just over a week old!
kazlin said:
You start naming this little human being all sorts:

Daniel is also known as...

Boo boo
Little Monster

...and he's only just over a week old!

it... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Your older child refuses to cuddle you because apparently you smell like baby sick :shakehead:
Sam&Alice said:
6) you end up walking around with a dummy in your mouth (i can't be the only person to do this)

no, you're not.. :D though i have it handle way, so i can lean over and pop it in his mouth again if needs be without any hands

(i've just realised how sad that sounds)

LaineyG said:
Another one just occured to me as I was doing it -

You know the location of every squeaky floor board in your/LO's room and have mastered the complicated choreography required to enter and exit the room without disturbing your baba!



Did this last night, the new house is way more creaky than the old one!


I read something in the yummy mummy handbook actually. It's not as short as the others so far but you might find it funny, I was PMSL on the train to work reading it yesterday.

"Popping out"

Here's how it should be:
One quiet morning, a young woman decides she needs a magazine fix. She slips on her shoes and a jacket, grabs her phone, cash and keys to the flat, and walks out of the door.
She has just "popped out".

Here's how it is with a baby thrown into the mix:
A young, exasperated, sleep-deprived woman decides she needs to get herself and her baby out of the house before she goes mad. She spends the next twenty minutes trying to find small socks and shoes, preferably matching, but whatever presents itself first, trying to put both these items and also a jumper, coat and hat onto a very wriggly child, finding her own shoes and coat, putting the shoes back on the now over-heated child who has kicked them off, searching for her keys which have been hidden somewhere by the child, panicking when she realises her wallet is in the changing bag and has had yesterday's milk spilled all over it, catching a glimpse of her face in the mirror and realising she has a visible foundation tide-mark on her left cheek, unfolding a buggy which doesn't want to unfold and so on and so on.
Eventually she leaves the house, a trail of toys and biscuit crumbs in her wake, not noticing that she never did manage to find her keys, or that she also forgot her phone. Or that her tights are laddered.
She has no idea why she is going out anymore, and is certainly not "popping out".

:lol: so true :rotfl:
You know your a mummy when...

you have more clothes in the washing pile than the waderobe

you point out aeroplanes, lorrys, horses etc on car journeys then realise the kids arent with you (always doing this!)

you know what a bugaboo, quinny and loola are!!

you can easily explain why you need 4 pushchairs for different occasions
You find yourself going into Mothercare/Adams before going into your favourite clothes shop :)
I find my self talking like Aimee when we are out shopping. look mamiee theres a nonny town toy (lazy town) I do it when shes not around too :oops:
People must think 'ahh poor child called maimee'

Some of the things you never thought you would say-
Don't put that up you nose
Don't sit on you brothers head
why have you got beans in you ear
whos drawn on the tele with a piece of cheese ect
Melanie said:
You know what sports candy is ( i cant be the only person subjected to the torture of lazy town!)

You are not alone! :rotfl:

.........Bing Bang Diggariggadong
Funny words I sing when I am dancing!
you know your a mummy when..

every coat pocket and bag has a dummy, wipes and bib in it.
You know you are a mommy when you have baby wipes and tissues in EVERY room in the house, every handbag/bag and in yours and OH car! :D

What did women do with out baby wipes years ago?!?!!?

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