You know your becoming a miserable old bugger when.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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You listen to the radio in your car, and turn the speaking UP and the music DOWN.

You tutt at young people having a laugh. Tutt tutt :shakehead:

You turn down a drink at the pub because you know it will be full of students.

Im ashamed to say ive done all of these today :oops: :oops: :oops:

Please add your own so I dont feel like such a miserable old bugger :rotfl: :rotfl:
You ask for cookware for christmas.

I can't wait to get my shaker maker :roll: :lol:

Edit: Not so miserable but def old!
when the first Christmas list you make isn't pressies or cards but food shopping

when your son has new clothes and you say oooooo they're really nice and he looks disappointed

when you start to wear "party feet" in your work shoes :oops:

when your conversation with your best friend over her choice of 2 men doesn't go "who's the sexiest or most gorgeous.." but

"who's got the best job.." :wink:
When you strop out of TopShop changing rooms because the size 12s don't fit and the mirror show all your grey hairs :oops:
when my hubby is sat watching MTV2 and I ask him to turn 'that noise down'!! :oops:
When you realize how unfit you now are now!

*note to self* must start diet and exercise when Dan man has arrived!
When you still think LP's are the 'in-thing'! And you call the radio a 'wireless'

I am not an offender of the above by the way!!!
when you get out of bed and hobble down the stairs like an old granny saying 'oooh' along the way
Misslarue said:
You ask for cookware for christmas.

I can't wait to get my shaker maker :roll: :lol:

I've asked for an electric carving knife :oops:

The staff christmas party is tonight, all day at work the girls I work with have been discussing shoes, dresses and fake tan...All I had to add was "but if you don't take a coat you'll bloody freeze!"
I so couldn't be arsed to go all the way to the city centre just for a free bar... like I can drink anyway. :?
Urchin said:
Misslarue said:
You ask for cookware for christmas.

I can't wait to get my shaker maker :roll: :lol:

I've asked for an electric carving knife :oops:

The staff christmas party is tonight, all day at work the girls I work with have been discussing shoes, dresses and fake tan...All I had to add was "but if you don't take a coat you'll bloody freeze!"
I so couldn't be arsed to go all the way to the city centre just for a free bar... like I can drink anyway. :?

I know how this feels! I am 30 and have a weekend job working with students, all 18-21 year olds, they can actually have long conversations about eye shadow and I'm standing there feeling old and fat and wishing I was young again :rotfl:
....When nothing you wear looks wicked anymore, its just 'suits you' :(

....When you are disgusted by your own CD's because they have swearing on them :oops:

....When everything cool you ever did was in the last century :shock:

....When theres noisy kids on the bus and the most elderly person on there and you share an eye roll :roll:

....When you ignore the phone ringing incase its that old friend you bumped into and gave your number to so they could pop round for coffee. Why do I keep doing that? I really don't want them round :wall:

....When you won't go anywhere unless there is a toilet nearby. (A clean toilet) :talkhand:

....When you always have a clean tissue stuffed up one sleeve :wink:

....When your make up and hair looks like your 70's girlsworld :oops:

....When you catch a glimpse of yourself in a shop window and have to straighten up (and stop grimacing) :evil:

I could reel these off all day long :|
lou said:
....When theres noisy kids on the bus and the most elderly person on there and you share an eye roll :roll:

:oops: I did this on the train yesterday evening :oops:

Apparently one of the things to tell you are getting old is when you think policemen have started to look really young.


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