Yeyyy I love my postman.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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.....coz hes just brought my pre-seed with more OPK's and HPT's woo hoo here we go again!!!

My 'extra fertile' time apprantly doesnt start till tomorrow and not due to ov according to ticker for another 5 days!

So far weve DTD on sunday and yesterday but there has been no pressure coz the important days havnet been looming so will be trying hard to keep that frame of mind now that those days are almost here and stay chilled.

As of tomorrow will be starting our 'every 48hour' sessions for this month and we will have to make sure we still try even after Ive ovulated but someting just switches off for me and sex is the last thing I want!!!!

Those of you who are also doing every 48 you keep to the same time so thats its literally around every 48 hours or just every two days at some point?
Im not sure how accurate to 48 hours we need to be???

Anyway back to the pre-seed....its looking very clinical with these little suringes etc but hey if it works Id use a turkey baster lol!!

Apart from the fact that it mimics the enviroment thats good for carrying sperm, I REALLY need it just now...somethings not working down there and dh say he feels like hes in the sahara at times lol!! Cheeky sod!

Oh well ladies....heres hoping this helps us get our BFP this time!

Who else is using Pre-seed this month?

We need some success stories please.....xxxx
Aw I'm pleased for you wilma. You make me laugh. Going to order some preseed today I think. Know where your coming from with the sahara sometimes ha ha. All the best that this is your month. Enjoy yourself :D
Ha lol thanks Toni....hee hee....glad I can make you ;-) !

Yep Im looking forward to using the pre-seed as I cant cope with the friction burns any longer lol!! More hand cream I keep telling!

Well I hope it does the trick for all of us and we end up with out BFPs asap!! xxxx
I am starting with the pre seed tonight! I can't wait till end of the month now so I can see if it helped!!

I am not due to OV until Thursday but If it keeps the swimmers alive then there is a chance they might be in the right place at the right time!!

Tuesday - Preseed and BD
Wednesday - Preseed and BD
Thursday - Preseed and BD
Friday - Preseed and BD

Hopefully I will see on my chart when I have OV and then I can stop with the preseed, but continue with BD!!

When we go for every 48 hours we just go for every other night, we can't BD during the day or in the mornings because hubby gets up for work at 3am and I don't get home from work until 7pm so we only have the night times, and then we have to wait for kids to go to bed so we don't get disturbed!

Fingers crossed I don't wear hubby out before the weekend!! I am finishing work early on Thursday so I am off to get some new sexy lingerie!! He will love it!
Bonny you make me chuckle.....I love that your always on the go to keep things alive so to speak...well done you!!

Yes I cant wiat either and Ive not even Ov'd yet lol but I truly hope we all get our BFP's asap xxx
Thanks Wilma!

I have to do something to keep him interested!! Otherwise we will just go back to every other night and that didn't work for us yet so wanted to try something else, and without somthing to keep him interested it will start to seem like we are trying to hard,

He wants this as much as me but I see it that he has a hard job - Lorry Driver, and that its the least I can do really, especially as he gets up so early!

I can't wait to get home from work, get the dinner done and get the kids off to bed so that we can relax and get to bed ourselves!!!
Ah thats so nice of you.....your husband is a lucky fella! But yes I agree its nice to make the effort for them although I must confess I dont make the effort often enough lol! Bad wife!!!

was thinking about trying the preseed, but at the moment all HPT and OPK are banished from the house, was getting too obsessive, i will buy a hpt if AF is late
Hmmmm I know I intended on not doing anything this month re charts and tests but decided to only do OPKs..... But the pre-seed as well as supposedly helping get pregnant is also a must for me atm....lack of natural lubrication is making me feel like mike tyson has been punching the living daylights out of my bits....ouch!!!

So hope it helps with both xxx
hahah wilma that actally had me spitting tea at the screen!!! good job i'm in the office on my own!!!

and sometimes coming up to OV i get really dry too and it isn't pleasurable, so I'm hoping to also kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak!
Ha lol oooops!!

Yes I remember in the past him saying stuff like 'bloody hell you have your own swimming pool down there'.......what happened??? Maybe its an age thing...who knows...! But hoping the pre-seed is going to change all that coz it does get pretty unpleasent at times doesnt it!!
Thanks Mrsmc me too....would be nice to see some pre-seed success stories ehh lol xxx
Lol, good luck to all you ladies this month and I really look forward to seeing your BFP pictures soon.

Hugs and dust!!


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