For them used preseed or using it ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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Just a question for them who have used preseed before or using it now
How do i say this lol I have used pre seed twice this month am not due to ovulate till a few days
but used it for 2 days recently and this is our first time using it.
I found that when we used this after dh had done his stuff it just spilled out and i never even stood up
i layed there with a pillow udnerneith . Both times i have used this when dh gets off me it just spills out
like its been a waste of time bedding and like the pre seed has been useless .

Did this happen with you or did using pre seed give you no spills what so ever all the spermies swim away ?
Sorry sounds stupid but needed to ask ? :hug:
Hiya :wave:

This is our first month using Preseed - Used it three times this week and I found it really easy to use and it seems to keep spermies up there, when without it there use to be some leakage!

Going to finish off the pack and see what happens - I did find though there is too much in the pre filled ones, so might get the other one that you can fill yourself :D

Good luck hun :hug:

Kate x
:wave: Hi hun there the ones i have got the ones you fill yourself.
You put it in to a plastic tube then push that up i thought i used to much the 1st time using it
then the 2nd time i used less but still the same just comes out . I feel like i have a barrier
stopping the sperm and they just bounce back out really confusing.

When i dont use preseed it still does comes out but takes a lot longer to do so like when i stand up
but using preseed it just comes out as soon as he pulls out tmi sorry. Just head wrecking :wall:
Good luck for this month hun fingers crossed lots of baby dust sent over to you :)
I worry about how much comes out too.

*TMI ALERT* When hubby is ejaculating he does it much more gently than usual so that it doesn't start coming out before he's even finished which can happen when he's being vigorous. He then pulls out and slips a pillow under my bum to keep my hips out. If I cough, laugh, or even lift my head up a bit some starts to trickle out, and once that trickle starts it just won't stop! We don't use preseed, we thought it was only for if you need the extra lube, I didn't realise it was supposed to keep the sperm in too.
tootsieb said:
I worry about how much comes out too.

*TMI ALERT* When hubby is ejaculating he does it much more gently than usual so that it doesn't start coming out before he's even finished which can happen when he's being vigorous. He then pulls out and slips a pillow under my bum to keep my hips out. If I cough, laugh, or even lift my head up a bit some starts to trickle out, and once that trickle starts it just won't stop! We don't use preseed, we thought it was only for if you need the extra lube, I didn't realise it was supposed to keep the sperm in too.

Hi Hun pre-seed is for extra lube or those without lube but i am either i am using it because
i hardely see the ewcm when ovulation occurs and i have read bfps from ladys using it first go
so i thought i would give it go. Exact what happens to you is the same with me if i cough or laugh thats it
just trickles out. I lay there for a good few hrs get up to pee and on the way to the bathroom its come out
or plops in the toilet :wall: its so frustrating isnt it. I have tried putting my legs up as some others have said
to do and still happens i told my doctor :lol: he said stay in bed longer which i do do but i dont think
he gets the picture of the things i do the pillow trick etc to keep the swimmers in :lol:
They say the good sperm swim off straight away and then you read stuff that say sperm sits in a pool
at the back of the vagine for 20min before they set off so dont know what to belive.
If thats true then mine just come out and dont even get that far. :hug:
Waiting4amiracle I know what you mean, I hate that plop :lol: I have read conflicting advice too, but I don;t suppose it can do any harm lying there a while, although I haven't tried the legs in the air thing yet - I have bother with my legs and I'd have to get hubby to hold them up for me, I'm laughing here as I imagine what we'd look like :lol:
tootsieb said:
I have bother with my legs and I'd have to get hubby to hold them up for me, I'm laughing here as I imagine what we'd look like

:shock: ttc is so dignified! :rotfl:

try not to stress about it too much hun as stressing will only make it worse. whenever i go to the loo after- whether its 1/2 hor later or the next morning i still get that tsunami of left overs!!! i think everyone does! when its ur fertile period and ur cervix is open i'm sure all the actual spermies will get swimming- they are programmed to!!!
good luck
:hug: xxx
:rotfl: I can picture your dh holding your legs up and asking can he put them down now :lol: it would be a asterickle if you was a fly on the
wall in our house. I have the pillow underneith me like i am sitting
on a hill then my legs in the air and while i am doing the 1-2 hr lay down i am trying to watch tv which is at the bottom of my bed and
my head is twisted on the side trying to watch it :lol: omg i am
gonna start complaining of back problems soon i swear i am :lol:
I hate it when you think its gone then you go toilet and you hear that plop. I grow horns :twisted: I then say to my dh have you took them tablets cause i am all frustrated its come out again :lol:
He takes vit c and zinc suppose to be good for sperm.

puds said:
try not to stress about it too much hun as stressing will only make it worse. whenever i go to the loo after- whether its 1/2 hor later or the next morning i still get that tsunami of left overs!!! i think everyone does! when its ur fertile period and ur cervix is open i'm sure all the actual spermies will get swimming- they are programmed to!!!
good luck
I think my dhs sperms are programmed to do
back flips or the moon walk either that or they need to get to specs savers so they can see where there going :rotfl:

Never tried preseed- but I'm hearing mixed reviews.
To 'keep it in' I cross my legs and then rest them on a rack we have above the bed- at least I give OH a good laugh.
How are you at handstands- might help keep it in? :lol:
:lol: i wouldnt go that far doing handstands imagen that :lol: my face would be like a beetroot
all the blood rushing to my head :rotfl:
just a thought (sure the wine is helping me say this) but am i the only one that uses hubby to "keep them in"??? :oops: :oops: we just lay there till he "falls out" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: an i was hoping that was long enough to keep them in

(can not believe i just said that lol)
sam27 said:
just a thought (sure the wine is helping me say this) but am i the only one that uses hubby to "keep them in"??? :oops: :oops: we just lay there till he "falls out" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: an i was hoping that was long enough to keep them in

(can not believe i just said that lol)
:rotfl: dont worry i have done it before today & its nothing to be ashamed of :hug:

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