Yesterday !! - Good Scan in the morning, then bleeding later

First time mum

Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2008
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Hi Girls

Hope your all okay.

Just thought I'd let you know about my day yesterday

Had my 12 week dating and nuchal scan in the morning. Saw baby, all okay, nuchal reading was low, so all looks good.

Then, I get in from work, sit down, felt a bit of a gush and thought that feels a bit more than discharge, went to the loo and bleeding yet agin ! fairly heavy and bright red.
As you know I had a bit of bleeding last week, went to A & E then had scan on friday at EPU and all okay.
SO we go to the drop in clinic, see a nurse, blood pressure and temp fine, no sign of a urine infection.
Bleeding stopped all of sudden, and have had no more since.
I am waiting on my midwife to call me back to see what she thinks.
Its such a worry having this bleeding. I wish they could tell me why and perhaps I could deal with it better.

How are we today? Anyone else having similar problems?

I spoke to a friend of mine who had twin boys last year and she had exactly the same thing happen to her at the same time. They told her it was just the stretching and changes going on that casued her bleeding?

:pray: :pray: :pray:
Hi sweetie glad scan went well, but all this bleeding u muct be so worried, I have never experinced this in any of my other pregnancys :think:
Hope the MW is quick to get back to you and put ur mind at rest. I would just put ur fett up hun, try not to do that much and wait to see what MW says :hug: :hug:
God that must be so scary :eek:(

Touch wood I havent had any bleeding at all. :pray: So I cant say if Ive heard any explanation.

Im keeping my fingers crossed for you tho, I hope everything gos ok xxx
Hi Hun, Sorry about the bleeding. I can relate and I know excatly how your feeling! I had bleeding at 11 weeks, I went to A&E they did an emergency scan and baby was fine and moving around all over the place and they said hopefully it was a one off. Then the following week I had bleeding again (this was last monday) I went to A&E, they listened to babys heartbeat which was fine and booked me in for another scan! Saw baby all was fine but they did find out what the problem was. Under where baby is lying theres a sack of blood? They dont know whats caused it but said its very common to get at the 12 week stage. They said it will either absorb or I will keep bleeding till its gone. Luckily I have not had any bleeding since (maybe coz my mind is relaxed now that I know what it is!) They are keeping a close eye on me, I have a midwife appointment today and I have a check up scan next week to see if it is fixing itself.

I wouldnt worry yourself too much as it is VERY common to have bleeding at this stage although I know you will be panicking coz I did! best thing is for the hospital to book you in for another scan as soon as they can to put your mind at rest. Hopefully they will be able to see what the problem is now coz they couldnt see if the first scan I went for only at the second
Youre around where your period would have been right? theres this thing called sympathy bleeding, for some unknown reason around the time you would have af you can get a bleed, this is what my nana had every single month for 9 months.
I would put your feet up and get eveyone to pamper you, good luck with your midwife appointment. :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I bled alot while I was pregnant with Brody - it turned out I had a polyp on my cervix. Harmless but it bled on and off all the way through.
It could easily be something as simple as that or as already said, it's quite normal to bleed around when you period was due. Still scary though :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh hun that much have been scary for you,

hope bleeding stops now for you and you manage to find out what caused it :hug: :hug:
Thanks for all of your replies.
You have helped to make me feel a bit more positive.
I called the midwife but she was too busy delivering babies today (ah how lovely!) and told me to contact the doctor.
I managed to see the doctor at 3.50pm and I now have an appointment at the EPU again tomorrow at 2pm for an exploratory look inside, so will update you tomorrow. I hope baby is okay and I hope they can provide a reason xx
I have a friend who had unexplained bleeding in each of her four pregnancies. All the way through them. And she gave birth to four happy healthy children :) So there are positives out there.
Hope everything is ok, thinking of u x x

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