Yay my AF (:


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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got my af this morning, periods so painful and heavy..!
Just had to tell u all, dunno if ill still need my ultrasound tho? (to check ovaries why i havent convieved in 2 years)

Thanks xx
Hurray! :dance::dance::dance:

Not often a time for celebration AF :good:

Thats great news :)

Not sure about the ultrasound, i would presume not, but best ask.

I'm sure if she disappears again that they'll put you straight in for an ultrasound.

Ohhhhh, time to start planning OV and bd'in ;)
Ahh thats brilliant, sorry its painful tho! i would still go just to get all checked out. x
Thanks girls! yeh i really am happy :)

found out today my mum had cists on her ovaries, is it hereditry?
Well i dunno about ultrasound cause it wasnt because i missed my period, he said cause ive had unpretected sex for 2 years without a pregnancy. so maybe i should still?

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I would go because there still has to be a reason you didnt. i have had ovarian cysts a few times and as far as i no it doest affect fertility and you sure no when you have them i was in a and e at 4 in the mornin because of pain! lol. x
oreally cause my mum said she never knew she had one till it irrupted..how come you've had them?

i read on internet..
Some of the symptoms are

Pain in the abdomen
Dull ache in the lower back and thighs
Irregular periods - either absence of periods or unusually infrequent periods
Weight gain
Difficulty in getting pregnant
Excessive hair growth
Thinning hair
Other skin problems such as skin tags and darkening of the skin
Depression and Anxiety

Yeah im gonna keep app then let doc know x
Hi lrb,
I had baseline ultrasound scan yesterday, to check ovaries and uterus. Been ttc for about a year, and have regular af, but it's just one of the many tests we're now going through!

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (not as bad as a smear test), and reassured us and the docs that everything was ok. So worth having if it's being offered to you!

All the best
Bead Xx
O so they don't put it on ur belly? I've never had a smear test! What other tests are you going to have? X
They get a better picture if done internally. Nothing scary though - the nurse was very nice and reassuring.

DH is having another :sperm: test next week, then when we get the results, if all is looking good, then I'll need to have a test to check that my fallopian tubes aren't blocked. (Not looking forward to that one...) Then we'll get all the results back and move onto treatment, yay!!

Hi irb,

I would definitely keep the docs app and definitely have the scan if they are offering it to you. if the doc says you dont need it coz u got ur AF then tell him u want it and ur mums past and there must be a reason why ur AF was missing for soo long!

How long have u been trying and getting treatment bead? I'm just a lil worried cause I've never had a doctor/nurse down below before, I just assumed it was on the belly lol thanks for your help tho :) x
Internals are not as scary as they sound hun, more embarrassing then anything and a little uncomfortable, maybe worth mentioning to your doctor that you have never had a smear as they may advise one especially as you are sexually active and trying for a baby....... better to be safe then sorry!!
Thanks Vicky, what does a smear test actually cover? X
Hi lrb,
Been trying for about a year, and only just recently referred to hospital (sooner than a lot of the ladies on here cos I'm over 35, so we get seen sooner with time running out and all that!!).

The scan is definitely nothing to worry about - same with smear tests (as Vicky says, definitely worth asking for one at your health centre now you're ttc). They're always done by female nurses (mine all have been anyway) who were very understanding. I just figure that they're not embarrased cos they've seen it all soooo many times before, so there's no need for me to be embarrased either :-)

The smear test checks for cervical cancer (and pre-cancerous changes). The nurse at my health centre advised that I had one as soon as I mentioned that we were ttc, just to make sure everything was healthy before we started.

Message me any time if you want any more info! :-) Xx
Yeah they sound more like symptoms for polycystic ovaries but possible. i only noticed when i started the bcp for irregular and heavy periods, then started to get very painful almost like cramps. i did put on some weight too. sure you will be fine they told me i had to have internal and external scan but they found what they needed without internal! x
So with cysts isit an operation? And isit a quick in and out on same day thing? See i can't ask my mum cause she never knew till it irrupted at my age. Thank you tho bead, can it be done at my doctors? I'm supprisrd my doc never mentioned it. How often are you suppose to have them? Bea have yours gone now?
I didn't even realise there were different kinds of cysts. Hope my app comes through soon, I bet there is a long waiting list.. X
And a few of the symptoms I found before ^ you say there polycystic? I've got a few of them symptoms, got really bad acne ATM and ive not been this spotty since 13! Obviosuly missing period, not conceiving, heavy period. Dunno if you had any symptoms?
I'm just trying to find out as much as poss about this x
Ive had them twice first was drained and second removed it was meant to be day surgry but i dnt react well with operations lol. like i said i would never of noticed if hadnt had appendicitus first time and started pill the second. its just 1 large cyst attatched to ovaries and pso is a bit different i would say bit mre serious as far as i understand the ovaries are covered in small cysts and to treat it fertility treatments and pills. x x
Hi lrb,
Sorry I have no useful info to add re the cysts.
Smear tests are done at GP surgery by the nurse. I think I get my reminders to go back every 2 or 3 years.

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