Calling AF, come in AF...?

:puke: I know this is tmi but my knickers are constantly damp at the moment. It's horrible. No visible cm in them just everytime I go to the loo they're wet right through
haha louise yu're hilarious..who suggested the 8 ball.....??? haha!! xxxx
I was at the doctor's today as I had already made the appointment last week. Doc says its normal for AF'S to be all over the place for a while. I asked about ovulation kits but she said I should just let nature take its course and not get to clinical about it easy to say when she's not TTC.:|

It took a year to fall with my DD so hoping I don't have to wait as long this time.:)
positivity - louise posted a link to one yesterday. the ball was not very nice to us!! although has been nicer to peeps today!

buzby - i know what you mean. my friend had a baby very easy (not planned and not in the most romantic of circumstances) and she is very opinionated about ttc stuff, forums etc. i bite my tongue every time it comes up! although most people get pg without putting as much effort in to it (i think) as us ladies. I wish I could just bd and not think about it!xxx

I wish I didnt think as much too.:think:
I havent told anyone I'm TTC again don't want to be hounded with the same question every time I see people. Its funny though over the last week a couple of members of my family I have said to me are you pregnant and I'm like NO but screaming on the inside BUT I WANT TO BE!!:)
Lol I've had that too with my manager. I went bright red! I have told a few people. My sil as am a bridesmaid in April and a couple of friends. Regretting it though! Everyone is so opinionated!

We haven't told anyone...I feel like it may tempt bad luck, although on cycle 11 so that didn't work...

We haven't told anyone either but I am sure OH has told his mum in secret which is really irritating. People at work are always on at me about it, makes me feel like crying sometimes at least I'll know never to be so insensitive to others!
I think lots of people don't understand especially if they have fell pregnant quickly or without meaning to.
It took a year to fall with my DD and we never told anyone at that time either but people were always saying when are you going to start trying or it will be you next or the worst one do you not want kids! It can be so upsetting especially as you know you are trying your damn hardest to get that BFP. xx:)
Still no sign of the bitch! Have had pains today but not like af pains. Have ache/uncomfortable feeling under left boob. Still have cm, it is white and very thin/watery (tmi!!). Given that I tested on due day (Monday - 30 days), plus Tuesday eve and Weds morning with ebay cheapies. Do you think its even worth testing again? And when should I??

Thanks xxxx
maybe test tomorrow but not with an ebay cheapie? x
Test! We're all behind you!! Good luck!
I would give it 48 hours then test again, but as was said, not with an e-bay cheapie. Good luck.


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