X.Lilly.x labour thread! Update baby poppy Rose is here!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Sorry guys I've been out all morning so haven't done too well with updating!! About 3 am I got

"Hey hun had gel put in about 11:45pm lst night, am getting tightnings n pains every 10 mins or so, loads of pain in my back n tummy. Had 2 paracetomal but hasn't taken the pain away at all. Am trying to sleep as I'm so nackered but can't as the pains r too bad to sleep thru. Other half (babys dad) has gne home as they sed its best to sleep but mw jst come n cheked babys heartbeat n its sooo low down she sed shed be suprised if things dnt get worse tonight n oh is called back in lol. Hope ur okay huni and hope ur phopnes on silent so this doesn't wake u!! Lol xx"

Then about 8am

"Thnx hun. Pains died down a tiny bit since like 5am but still having atleast 1 contraction every 10 mins, on moniter atm then she's gna examim me n put another gel in :) xx"

10 am

"Hey hun having contractions every 5 mins, sooo painful now :( god sorry I feel bad cus I dnt wana scare u for labour lol x"


"Jst been examined and am 2-3cm and jst bout to be monitered then put on the drip to make contractions come lol x"

Good luck lilly!! X

Poppy-rose brn 4:02pm nt been weighed yet. X"

She said sea absolutely knackered and really drowsy so will give her time til she texts me again bless her!!

One queue jumper out the way, who else wants to take me on? :rofl: x
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Poor Lilly, but once that drip kicks in baby will be born in no time!!
Good luck Lilly, hope all is well xxx
Awww bless her. I hope all goes well n baby is delivered safely
Massive congratulations Lilly!!! Can't wait to see her x

Lol lexi, at least your due soon too, im due later than most ppl on here and everyone will have moved on!
awww congratulations on the safe arrival of your baby girl :)

your next flexi
Congratulations-just seen pic on fb and she's gorgeous.

Makes me wanna stamp my feet and scream 'i want mine' tho lol xxx

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